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Item <br />No. <br />Monthly cost per Truck for 40 hours a week for <br />weekday service to perform proactive graffiti <br />removal in the Parks (Section I.c. of Exhibit A, Monthly F <br />(x) tz months <br />page 13 of RFP) Service truck must be able to Weekday fort �� q3 "3 perform both painting and media blasting. sercet uck S r89 - U <br />Cooperative Purchasing <br />It is intended that any other public agency (e.g., city, county, school district, public authority, <br />public agency, municipality, and other political subdivision or public corporation) shall have the <br />option to participate in any award made as a result of this solicitation at the same prices. The <br />City of Santa Ana shall incur no financial responsibility in connection with any purchase by other <br />public agency. <br />Labor Classification <br />The work performed on this contract is routine, recurring, and usual. The work includes <br />watering, trimming, pruning, planting, removal, and replacement of trees and plants, and <br />servicing of irrigation. The rates included in the Cost Proposal are based on prevailing wage <br />determination "Repaint Painter, Lead Abatement ". <br />(snA Fr� �f'Roftcr`vc' c- AT%r0c,- , I:tJc <br />LEGAL, N ME OF COMPANY <br />BUSIN SAD SS <br />C,4 LA q-t.1i1oF <br />PRIM D N E AUTHORIZED AGENT <br />SIGNA AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE <br />q V-43` T413 <br />q&j.44�L /aa)4 6•3s P--j <br />PHONE AND F) <br />rlcIOul , C4 <br />PP -C ,sr 0 Er-1i <br />TITLE <br />C pGLA ELmice.c <br />Gi1y1t% <br />LICENSE N <br />THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH THE PROPOSAL. <br />PROPOSALS THAT DO NOT CONTAIN THIS FORM WILL BE CONSIDERED <br />NONRESPONSIVE. <br />City of Santa Ana GRSC Services RFP 25H-107 Page 20 <br />