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sambasafety <br />Activity MVR; DrlverMonllor checks ddvem at least monthly for new activity an their driving record This Is done via multiple <br />methodologles wlthout purchasing a full MVR, If activity Is found, an official MVR will he aulomMIcally purchased on behalf of the <br />Customer. 2fuh /pps foracllvily MVRe are Wad to the Customer. No additional MVR Service Fee Is added to acilvity MVRorders. <br />On -Demand MVR; At any time, the Customer can purchase a MVR for any ddvac This can be done via the DRM dashboard, <br />,$( leas la On -Demand MVRs and a MVR Service Fee specified above is billed to the Customer. <br />I Annual MVR; Annual motor vehicle records are purchased once every 12 months. The Customer can determine the schedule for <br />annual MVR purchases by configuring (hair annual pcllcy In the DnverMonitor console. In some states (VA, CT, AZ, NJ, It., PA, <br />AK, WY, NO, OK, MD, WI, IN, TX, NC, KY, UT, SD) annual MVRs are porohased automatically to ensure complete accuracy. Aftw <br />Pass for Annual MVRs are billed to the Customer No addlllonal MVR Sarvlce Fee Is added to activity MVR orders, <br />No-Rll MVR; Sonia states charge a stale fee even If the drivarinformetlon submitted by SambaSafety on behalf of the Customer <br />returns no results, This can happen when the Customer submits Inaccurate driver Information, Including but not limited to license <br />number, fire( and lest nems, or dale of birth, Semite DrlverMonllor enforces certain checks to validate that a license number <br />follows the appropriate formal for a given stale before the request In made to the state In an effort to minimize no -hit charges, <br />+. Enrollment Fees: Some states such (CA) charge enrollment (sea when adding drivers to the state monitoring programs. These <br />fees vary In price and are passed to the customer as -is with no additional service lase. <br />Price and Payment; <br />Subscription E0ee: Customer must pay SambaSafety Subscription Fees In accordance with this agreement, All payment, of <br />Transaction Fee, Shall be made In WS, dollam, All Transaction Fees are subject to Increase by SambaSafety upon 30 days prior <br />written notice to Ole Customer, and all lncmoses become effective for and with respect to, all billing periods following the notice of <br />Increase from SambaSafoty, unless otherwise agreed to In writ ng by Somba$afety arid Customer. <br />• Stale Feee; All current state face are posted on ( ,,}tit saw, n y,g, ggvpr4r-s h - <br />Minimum Monthly Fae: A minimum monthly fee of $39.95 applies to all accounts. <br />Pavriant Terms; SambaSafety will bill Customer on a monthly heels for all Subscription Fees Incurred by Customer during the <br />preceding month, and all bills are due and payable by Customer upon receipt thereof. All fees are non-refundable, Any bills or <br />Invoices which are not paid In full with 30 days following Customers receipt thereof, accrue Interest at the lesser of one and one- <br />half percent (1'h%) per month or the maximum amount permitted by law. In addition to any other rights or remedies avallabla to <br />SambaSefety, any failure by Customer to timely pay In full all bills or Invoices submitted by SambaSafety under this Agreement, <br />entitles SambaSafety to immediately disconllnue Customers access to the SambaSafety System and any Infomnauon Services. A <br />twenty-five dollar ($25.00) Non-Sufllclent Funds Fee will be assessed for all dishonored payments. <br />Ifli aa; Customer must pay or reimburse SamheSsfaly for 811 88108, use, transfer, privilege, exclsa or other taxes and duties, <br />whether national, state, or local, however designated, which are levied or Imposed by reason of this Agreement or any services <br />provided hereunder; excluding, however, Income taxos an profits which may be levied against SambaSafety. <br />contract Term' The Initial Term of this Agreement commoncas on the above written Effective Date and conflnues for the duration <br />of the term unless terminated earner as expressly permitted by this Agreement. The term of this agreement will be renewed: <br />automatically for successive periods of one month each (each a Renewal Term) affective Immediately upon expiration of the Initial <br />Term and any subsequent Renewal Term (If any). Termination clause states,'SambaSefely or Customer each may terminate this <br />Agreement without cause upon 30 days pdorwditon notice to the other party,' <br />Prior Agreements: This Schedule A supersedes and replaces any and all previous pdoing agreements between SambaSafety end Customer <br />'Customer .. ...__.--... <br />_.. <br />Sa^^m��ryrybaSa}ety <br />51pRa pe <br />Signature <br />Randy Trujillo <br />- Name <br />Name <br />Regional Sales Manager <br />Title <br />Title <br />9/912015 <br />Date <br />bate <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Schedule A - Sam baSsfety Customer Fees Rev.03112015 <br />