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IJ - <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />ON -CALL ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />L DESCRIPTION OF WORK <br />The City of Santa Ana (City) solicited proposals from professional consulting firms (Consultant) to <br />provide engineering services on an on -call, as- needed basis. Engineering services may include civil <br />engineering, electrical engineering, traffic engineering, geotechnical, land/property surveying, structural, <br />storm drain, water or sewer line - related engineering, architecture and landscaping design services and <br />grant writing services. Environmental and /or planning support services may also be requested. The <br />City may need consultant services for survey, snapping and legal description preparation, construction <br />management, staking and inspection or occasionally request mechanical, electrical and /or structural <br />services. The work, in general, consists of general engineering design projects on arterial and local <br />streets, bike paths, and public parks, citywide. The types of work efforts may include: <br />• Underground utility design /modifications; sidewalks, bike paths, curb and gutter replacement; slurry <br />seal of residential streets; repair and overlay of asphalt concrete and /or PCC streets; signing, striping, <br />neighborhood traffic studies, traffic signal modifications; landscaping and irrigation systems; park <br />and recreational design, grant application writing, building or facility work, other broader studies, <br />and other related projects as required. <br />• Amore detailed Scope of Work will be provided when /if a specific projector Task Order proposal is <br />requested of a consultant. <br />Funding sources will not include any state or federal funding. Projects for each project/task order shall <br />generally include local funds. Each project /task order assignment shall comply with any and all agency <br />funding requirements. The Sample Task Order was submitted with the proposal inclusive of the <br />hours, hourly rate and totals in Attachment C for the gualifications and value -based REP. <br />Note, state prevailing wage requirements shall apply to work as required, and including but not limited <br />to, survey and materials testing work, and per the below link: <br />http: / / /public- works /publicworlcs.hhnl) <br />Consultants and subconsultants completing any element of or type of work within projects /task orders <br />that is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the State of California Department of <br />Industrial Relations, per Section 1771.4.a.1., shall inform themselves fully of conditions relating to <br />construction and labor law under which any work will be performed. Any consulting contract entered <br />into pursuant to this notice shall incorporate the provisions of the California State Labor Code wherever <br />they may apply and all fees shall be inclusive of or exceed these requirements. <br />City of Santa Ana Scope of Work <br />Page 1 <br />