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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />AULT HOUSE <br />2436 North Riverside Drive <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br />NAME <br />Ault House <br />REF. NO. <br />ADDRESS <br />2436 North Riverside Drive <br />CITY <br />Santa Ana <br />ZIP <br />92706 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT <br />1933 <br />LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY: Key <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT <br />N/A <br />NEIGHBORHOOD <br />I Floral Park <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION <br />3 <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER STATUS CODE <br />I 5S1 <br />Location: ❑ Not for Publication ® Unrestricted <br />❑ Prehistoric ® Historic ❑ Both <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: Tudor Revival <br />The Tudor Revival looked to medieval England for its inspiration. Signature features of the style Include steeply pitched <br />gables; decorative half - timbering; arched openings, often Tudor or Gothic in form; asymmetrical arrangements of <br />building features; tall brick chimneys; and picturesque windows of leaded glass or diamond patterned lights. The more <br />ambitious examples of the Tudor Revival were executed In brick or even stone; however, stucco over wood frame is quite <br />common in the forgiving climate of southern California. The Tudor Revival was favored primarily for residential buildings, <br />although small scale commercial buildings in the style also occur. Born in the late 19`h century, the Tudor Revival was <br />associated with some Craftsman era building but was most popular during the 1920s and 1930s. <br />SUMMARYICONCLU510N: <br />The Ault House qualifies for listing In the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1 for its <br />exemplification of the distinguishing characteristics of the Tudor Revival style. Additionally, the house has been <br />categorized as "Key" because it is associated with long time owners and community members John Carroll and Dorothy <br />Ault. (Municipal Code, Section 30- 2.2- a -4 -b), <br />EXPLANATION OF CODES: <br />• California Register. Criteria for Evaluation: (From California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance <br />Series # 7, "How to Nominate Resources to the California Register of Historical Resources," September 4, 2001.) <br />3: It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or <br />represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br />• California Register Status Code: (From California Office of Historic Preservation, December 8, 2003.) <br />5S1 c Individual property that is listed or designated locally. <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />25A -122 <br />