State of California —The Resources Agency Primary #
<br />Page 2 of 4 *CHR Status Code 5S1
<br />'Resource Name or 9: Ault Mouse
<br />81, Historic Name: Ault House
<br />B2. Common Name: Same
<br />B3. Original Use: Single - family Residence B4. Present Use: Single - family Residence
<br />*B5. Architectural Style: Tudor Revival
<br />*B0, Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations): Constructed 1933
<br />May 29, 1933. Residence and garage for C, Ault. $3,000.
<br />June 5, 1933. Addition. $1,000.
<br />December 23, 1943, Addition to house, 8x18.
<br />April 15, 1947, Enlarge rear porch to 4'x7' by J. C, Ault.
<br />June 20, 1947, Addition to garage,
<br />*B7. Moved? ■No ❑Yes OUnknown
<br />*68. Related Features:
<br />Garage,
<br />Bea, Architect: Unknown
<br />Date: Original Location:
<br />b. Builder: Unknown
<br />*810. Significance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Santa Ana
<br />Period of Significance: circa 1695 -1965 Property Type: Single - family Residence Applicable Criteria: NR; C; CR: 3
<br />(Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope, Also address integrity)
<br />The Ault House is architecturally significant as a relatively intact example of the Tudor Revival style and is of cultural interest for its
<br />association with John Carroll and Dorothy Mae Ault. Mr. Ault began as a salesman for the auto parts firm of Hockaday, Harlow, and
<br />Phillips, By 1934, he had also purchased a service station in Brea known as the imperial Service Station. In 1935, he had become
<br />a purchasing agent and was well known in the community for his knowledge of automobiles and automobile parts. Going by
<br />"Carroll", Mc Ault was an intelligent man who, along with his brother, Alfred, was often noted in Honor Rolls throughtout his school
<br />career. Born in 1911, Mr. Ault married Dorothy, and together, they were very active in various civic activities. They had two children,
<br />Caroline and David, and while Carroll pursued his work endeavors, Dorothy was listed as staff for McKinley Elementary School
<br />located at 902 West Third Street. Dorothy was an avid bridge player, a member of a sewing club, and they entertained very often at
<br />their home. She was also a membership chairman for the YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) located at 1411 N.
<br />Broadway, as well as being on the advisory board for the Santa Ana Salvation Army, She was noted in local media for her beautiful
<br />decorations and presentation for various events held at the home. Carroll's brother, Alfred, was once a photographer and reporter
<br />for the Santa Ana Register, and later moved to Bethesda, Maryland to become a Child Labor Inspector for the Board of Education in
<br />Washington DC. John Carroll Ault passed away In 1997, and Dorothy died on June 12 2012 after living 79 years in this residence.
<br />Both are buried at Fairhaven Cemetery,
<br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.)
<br />B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes)
<br />*B12. References:
<br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits
<br />Santa Ana History Roam Collection, Santa Ana Public Library
<br />Sanborn Maps
<br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.)
<br />B13. Remarks:
<br />*814. Evaluator: Ha//ySaboleske
<br />(This space reserved for official comments.)
<br />*Date of Evaluation: July23, 2015
<br />DPR 5238 (11995)
<br />Page 3 of 5
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