State of California —The Resources Agency Primary It
<br />Of 3 Resource Name or g (ASsignea oy recoraeq Hrcnarason House
<br />by Haly Soboleske *Date November 5, 2015 © Continuation ❑ Update
<br />Santa Ana was founded by William Spurgeon in 1869 as a speculative town site on pan of the Spanish land grant known as
<br />Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana. The civic and commercial core of the community was centered around the intersection of
<br />Main end Fourth Streets. Stimulated by the arrival of the Santa Fe Railroad and incorporation as a city in 1886, and
<br />selection as the seat of the newly created County of Orange in 1889, the city grow outwards, with residential neighborhoods
<br />developing to the north, south, and east of the city center. Agricultural uses predominated in the outlying areas, with
<br />cultivated fields and orchards dotted with widely scattered farmhouses.
<br />The Richardson House is located in Washington Square, a neighborhood located northwest of the city center bounded by
<br />West Seventeenth Street on the north, West Civic Center Drive on the south, North Flower Street on the east, and North
<br />Bristol Street on the west. Most of this area was owned by the family of Jacob Ross, who had purchased portions of the
<br />Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana in 1868 and 1869. Walnuts and other crops were grown in the area during the late
<br />nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with a few farmhouses, most notably the Ross - McNeal House at 1020 North Baker
<br />Street, dotting the landscape. By 1905, Baker and Towner were the only streets in the neighborhood, which extended from
<br />Hickey (now Civic Center) only as far as Washington and which contained only about a dozen homes. The status quo had
<br />not changed much by 1915, when a brick yard was located at the northern terminus of Olive Street at Hickey. In 1925, the
<br />beginning of the development that would convert this largely agricultural area into a middle class neighborhood of single
<br />family homes over the next 25 years had begun, In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Tudor Revival and Spanish Colonial
<br />Revival homes were the standard, with American Colonial Revival saltboxes and ranch style homes favored in the years
<br />before and after World War N. During the 1930s, many of the homes were built by local contractor Emmett Rogers, who sold
<br />lots and built homes according to standard plans, which Individual property owners could customize to their tastes
<br />( "Weshington Square: A Neighborhood of Pride, " Washington Square Neighborhood Association). With the return of
<br />servicemen following the war and the accompanying demand for homes in southern California, the development of
<br />Washington Square was all but completed.
<br />The Richardson House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Property under Criterion 1 as It Is a "good
<br />example of period archltecture'I All original exterior features of the Richardson House are considered to be character
<br />defining and should be preserved. These features include, but may not be limited to: materials and finishes (stucco and
<br />texture); roof configuration, materials, and treatment; massing and composition; entry door, windows and fenestration
<br />patterns arid front patio wall.
<br />*B12. References (continued):
<br />Harris, Cyril M. American Architecture' An Illustrated Encvclooedla. New York, WW Norton, 1998,
<br />Marsh, Diann. Santa Ana An Illustrated Historo. Encinitas, Heritage Publishing, 1994,
<br />McAlester, Virginia and Lee. A Field Guide to American Houses. Now York.: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.
<br />National Register Bulletin 16A. "How to Complete the National Register Registration Form." Washington DC: National
<br />Register Branch, National Park Service, US Dept. of the interior, 1991.
<br />Office of Historic Preservation. "Instructions for Recording Historical Resources.' Sacramento: March 1995,
<br />Whiffen, Marcus. American Architecture Since 1780. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969.
<br />'Akson Honer dies at 84, "The Santa Ana Journal, September 21, 1981.
<br />'Builder of Honer Plaza Dies,' Orange County Register, September 15, 1981.
<br />'History of Floral Park." http.Awww .floral- park.comlpage2.html
<br />Talbert, Thomas (editor- in- chiet). Historical Volume and Reference Works Including Biographical Sketches of Leading
<br />Citizens, Volume I, Whittier, Historical Publishers, 1963.
<br />Armor, Samuel. History of Orange County. 1921.
<br />*612. References (continued):
<br />Pleasants, Mrs. J. E. History of Orange County, Los Angeles; J. R. Finnell & Sons Publishing Co., 1931. Vol.. 2, page 80
<br />and Vol. 3, page 142.
<br />Santa Ana and Orange County Directories, 1923 -1960 (
<br />U.S. Federal Census, 1930 (
<br />California Death Index (
<br />DPR 523L
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