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, the Narned Insured's employees are Insureds with respect to: <br />(1) bodily injury to co-einployee while in the course of the co-employee's employment by <br />the Named Insured or while performing duties related to the Conduct of the Named <br />Insured's business; and <br />(2), bodily injury to a volunteer worker while performing duties related to the conduct of the <br />Named Insured's business; <br />when such bodily injury arises out of health care incident. <br />* the Named Insured's volunteer workers are Insureds with respect to: <br />(1) bodily injury to a co-volunteer worker while performing duties related to the conduct of <br />the Named Insured's business; and <br />(2) bodily injury to an employee while in the course of the employee's employment by the <br />Named Insured or while performing duties, related to the conduct of the Named Insured's <br />business; <br />when such bodily injury arises out of a health care incident. <br />b. delete Subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Paragraph 2.a.(1) of WHO IS AN INSURED. <br />c. add the following: <br />Insured does not include any physician while acting in his or her capacity as such. <br />D. The Other Insurance condition is amended to delete Paragraph b.(I) in its entirety and replace it with the following: <br />Other Insurance <br />It. Excess Insurance <br />(1) To the extent this insurance applies, it is excess over any other insurance, self insurance or risk <br />transfer instrument,,,vhether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis, except for insurance <br />purchased specifically by the Named Insured to be excess of this Coverage. <br />10, JOINT VENTURES / PARTNERSHIP / LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES <br />WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to delete its last paragraph and replace it with the following: <br />No person Of Ofgalli2atiCn is an Insured with respect to: <br />* the conduct of any CUMI-It Of past partnership or joint -venture that is not shown as Named Insured in <br />the Declarations,; nor <br />* the conduct of a current or past lirnited liability company in which a Named Insured's interest does/did <br />not rise to the level of management control; <br />except that if the Named Insured vas a joint venturer, partner, or triernher of such a limited liability company, and <br />such joint venture, partnership or limited liability company tern-)inated prior to or during the policy P eriod,thenstrich <br />Named Insured is an Insured with respect to its interest in such joint venture, partnership or hnted liability company <br />but only to the extent that: <br />a. any offense giving rise to personal and advertising injury, occurred prior to such termination date, and the nwnal <br />and advertising injury arising out of such offense, first occurred after such termination date; . \04141 <br />Attachment Code : D509349 <br />Certificate ID:: 12901237 <br />5 OP, <br />