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FULL PACKET_2015-12-15
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2015-12-15
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Last modified
12/11/2015 3:15:39 PM
Creation date
12/11/2015 2:35:53 PM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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specified herein. The term "Agents" shall mean Licensee' officers, directors, members, agents, <br />employees, invitees, contractors, subcontractors, and any employees of such parties. The term "Invitees" <br />shall mean Licensee's invitees, guests, customers or business visitors, <br />1.4 City Approval of Tres Bstrellas' Buses. Tres Bstrellas shall provide the City with <br />documentation listing, for each and every bus providing services at the SARTC: (1) registered owner; (2) <br />VIN number; (3) license plate number; (4) USDOT number; (5) proof of authorization from the Federal <br />Motor Carrier Safety Administration ( "FMCSA" ); (6) proof of insurance; and (7) a list of all licensed <br />drivers who may operate the bus. Additionally, Licensee shall ensure that use of the Bus Bays shall be by <br />clearly marked buses identifying the Tres Bstrellas company name and USDOT number. Licensee agrees <br />that it will provide the City with a list of buses that will use Bus Bay #7 and #8 as a precondition for use <br />of the Bus Bays. Any additional buses must be approved by the City prior to beginning service, The use <br />of any non - approved bus at the SARTC is a breach of this Agreement and will result in immediate <br />termination thereof. <br />1.5 Compensation. As consideration for its use of the Facilities, Licensee agrees to pay a <br />monthly fee of $6,000.00 per month for the term of this Agreement. Stich payment shall be made payable <br />to the City of Santa Ana, in advance for each month, and at the following address; payable to "The City of <br />Santa Ana" and remitted to; City of Santa Ana M -13, 20 Civic Center Plaza, PO Box 1488, Santa Ana, <br />CA 92702. A late charge of ten percent (10 %) shall be applied to any payment hereunder due but unpaid <br />after the 10`h of the month. The consideration for this License shall be subject to a CPI adjustment <br />annually on the anniversary of the effective date during the term hereof. <br />1.6 AS -IS Condition, City makes no representation or warranty of any kind as to the <br />condition of the License Area or any other matter relating to Licensee's use of the License Area. <br />Licensee hereby disclaims and waives any and all objections to the physical and other characteristics and <br />conditions of the License Area. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the use of the License Area will <br />be on the basis of Licensee's own investigation of the condition of the License Area. The license to use <br />the License Area shall be granted on an "AS -IS," "WITH ALL FAULTS" basis, without representation or <br />warranty expressed or implied by City, or by operation of law. City expressly disclaims, which Licensee <br />hereby acknowledges and accepts, any implied warranty of condition or fitness for a particular purpose or <br />use. Licensee's use of the License Area shall be subject to the License Area being in a usable and safe <br />condition at the time of Licensee's use and Licensee shall be responsible for determining whether the <br />License Area is in such condition, In connection therewith, in the event that the License Area or access <br />thereto is damaged or obstructed or the use by Licensee is otherwise impaired, prevented or limited, City <br />shall have no obligation or duty to repair the damage or rectify the condition to make the License Area <br />usable or safe. <br />1.7 Term and Termination of License. The term of this License shall commence on <br />December 16, 2015, and shall continue indefinitely subject to termination without cause by either Party <br />with seven (7) days' notice, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. <br />1,8 No assignment of License. The permission, rights and privileges granted hereunder are <br />nonexclusive and nontransferable. Licensee shall not, either voluntarily or by action of law, assign or <br />transfer this License or any obligation, right, title or interest assumed by Licensee herein without the prior <br />written consent of the City. If Licensee attempts an assignment or transfer of this License or any <br />obligation, right, title or interest herein, City may at its option, terminate the License pursuant to Section <br />1,10 below and shall thereupon be relieved from any and all obligations to Licensee or its assignee or <br />transferee. <br />20A -6 <br />
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