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FULL PACKET_2015-12-15
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2015-12-15
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Last modified
12/11/2015 3:15:39 PM
Creation date
12/11/2015 2:35:53 PM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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additional lease condition are a material part of this lease agreement and any default of these <br />conditions will be deemed a major breach and will subject this lease to immediate termination. <br />5. EXTENSION PERIODS: Landlord shall have the right, but not the obligation, to <br />provide Tenant the option to extend the Term for four (4) separate consecutive additional periods <br />of one (1) year each on the same terms and conditions as set forth in this Lease. Each option <br />shall be agreed to in writing by the Landlord and Tenant prior to the expiration of the Term or <br />any Extension Period then in effect. <br />6, RENT: (a) Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as rent ( "Rent "), throughout the Term, <br />the monthly sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six Dollars ($1,786.00) in <br />advance, on the 1 st day of each calendar month and continuing through the life of the Term. <br />However, payment for the first partial month shall be prorated at $59,53 per day. All payments <br />of Rent and other sums due to Landlord hereunder shall be made payable to "The City of Santa <br />Ana" and remitted to: City of Santa Ana M -13, 20 Civic Center Plaza, PO Box 1988, Santa Ana, <br />CA 92702, <br />7. Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that Rent for any Extension Period, if the <br />option for such is exercised, shall be subject to a CPI adjustment annually on the anniversary of <br />the commencement date during the term hereof, <br />8. LANDLORD'S TITLE: (a) Landlord hereby covenants, represents and warrants <br />to Tenant that Landlord has fee simple title to the Premises and has the Rill right and lawful <br />authority to make this Lease. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, if there <br />are any liens, security interests, restrictions, leases, encumbrances, encroachments, laws, <br />ordinances, governmental rules or regulations, title restrictions, zoning, endangered species or <br />any other matters which in fact interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises, then Tenant may <br />terminate this Lease without owing any liability to Landlord. Landlord covenants that so long as <br />Tenant is not in monetary default hereunder, Tenant shall have quiet and peaceful possession and <br />enjoyment of the Premises, all improvements located thereon and of all easements, rights and <br />appurtenances thereunto belonging. <br />9. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION UPON TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF <br />TERM: Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord physical possession of the Premises upon the <br />termination or expiration of this Lease in good condition excepting, however, ordinary wear and <br />tear, damage by fire or any other casualty, or damage from any other cause unless such other <br />cause is solely attributable to the gross negligence of Tenant. <br />10, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: Tenant may not assign this Lease or <br />sublet the Premises or any part thereof without the prior written consent of Landlord, <br />11. TENANT'S REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS AND FIXTURES: Except for <br />reasonable wear and tear, Tenant agrees at Tenant's expense to maintain in good repair the <br />20A -16 <br />
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