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but not be limited, to the following annual bedding plants as approved by the Director: <br />...Sprit Otanmer- -April through October 1 <br />Alyssum, Lobelia, Salvia, Marigold, Gloriosa Daisy, Penstemon, Cosmos, Dahlia, Impatiens, Begonias, <br />Double Impatiens, Petunia, Verbena, Vinca rosea (periwinkle) Zinnias <br />• Fall /Winter <br />Iceland poppies, Pansies, Viola, Steel,, Snapdragons, Primroses, Ranunculus <br />Contractor shall check annual color beds daily (Monday through Friday), If plants are missing or <br />vandalized, the Contractor shall provide the City's representative with a proposal to replace missing /damaged <br />plants. After the City's Representative signs the proposal, the Contractor shall then replant/replace <br />missing/damaged plants within 48 hours. <br />The City's contract administrator shall be the sole judge of whether the above specifications are met. <br />The contract administrator shall also approve the types and combinations of color bedding plants prior to <br />installation, <br />STFA Seed Topper Testing REautirements <br />The purpose of this specification is to assure that compost products, such as mulch and seed topper, are <br />of high quality by evidence of meeting the U.S, Composting Council's Compost Analysis Proficiency Program <br />(CAPTP) requirements. <br />All compost products must meet or surpass all the requirements specified in the CAPTP program, <br />including but not limited to, having compost products tested by a CAPTP certified lab. All products must be <br />tested and approved by a CAPTP certified lab within 30 days of delivery to the City of Santa Ana. The <br />Director's Representative reserves the right to take samples of compost products delivered or used in the City of <br />Santa Ana and submit the samples to a CAPTP certified lab to verify that the compost products meet or exceed <br />the requirements set forth by the CAPTP. Should products delivered or used in the City of Santa Ana not meet <br />the CAPTP compost requirements, the City will consider this as a failure to perform by the contractor. <br />Policy for driving on Park Property <br />Driving on park turf is allowed only when necessary to perform an official City maintenance or business <br />function, and under the following circumstances: <br />A. When delivering over 301bs. of equipment or supplies to ajob site <br />B. When there is no improved surface within 40 yards of the worksite, <br />C. When emergency personnel are responding to an emergency, or performing other City business <br />When driving on park turf, employees and contractors must, to the best of their ability, avoid damage to <br />sprinkler heads, valve boxes, other irrigation systems components, trees, ground cover and other park amenities. <br />D. Vehicles weighing in excess of 8,000 lbs. are not allowed on park turf without prior approval of the Park <br />Services Supervisor. If approved, the Park Services Supervisor or his designee will meet with die <br />25B -29 <br />