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3.2 Assuring good traffic control and minimize disruption of the public. <br />3.3 Assuring adequate safety of employees and the public. <br />Prior to starting any tree work on an SAPRF tree, the Contractor must contact an authorized <br />SAPRF representative. <br />4.0 ISA CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS <br />The Contractor shall employee a full -time, permanently certified personnel, as accredited by the <br />International Society of Arboriculture. <br />4.1 The Contractor shall employee an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist© to oversee the <br />project. The ISA Board Certified Master ArborlstQD credential is the highest level of <br />certification offered by ISA. This credential recognizes ISA Certified ArboriststD who <br />have reached the pinnacle their profession. In addition to passing an extensive scenario - <br />based exam, candidates must abide by a Code of Ethics, which ensures quality of work. <br />Fewer than two percent of all ISA Certified Arborists® currently hold this certification. <br />4.2 The Contractor shall employee an ISA Certified Arborist® -Tree Risk Assessment <br />Qualification (TRAQ) Working /On Site Supervisor to be on site at all times work is in <br />progress to manage the correct pruning of the trees. To earn an ISA Certified Arborista <br />credential, you must be trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of arboriculture. ISA <br />Certified Arboristg have met all requirements to be eligible for the exam, which includes <br />three or more years of full -time, eligible, practical work experience in arboriculture <br />and /or a degree in the field of arboriculture, horticulture, landscape architecture, or <br />forestry from a regionally accredited educational institute. This certification covers a <br />large number of topics giving the candidates flexibility in the arboricultural profession. <br />TRAQ is an ISA qualification program that trains arborists how to use the methodologies <br />outlined in the ISA Best Management Practices for Tree Risk Assessment. This <br />qualification promotes the safety of people and property by providing a standardized and <br />systematic process for assessing tree risk. The results of a tree risk assessment can <br />provide tree owners and risk managers with the information to make informed decisions <br />to enhance tree benefits, health, and 'longevity. A Code of Ethics for ISA Certified <br />Arborists(O strengthens the credibility and reliability of the work force. This certification <br />is accredited by the American National Standards Institute, meeting and exceeding ISO <br />17024. <br />4.3 All Contractor Working /On Site Supervisor shall be ISA Certified Tree Worker Climber <br />Specialist© and /or The ISA Certified Tree Worker Aerial Lift Specialist©. To be a ISA <br />Certified Tree Worker Climber SpecialistO, candidates must have the skill and endurance <br />to climb trees, demonstrate high regard for safety, and be able to get the job clone off the <br />ground, This credential is different from the other certifications because you ARE tested <br />in both a classroom setting and a field setting. Candidates must have training in aerial <br />rescue, CPR, and First Aid to obtain this certification. <br />4,4 The Contractor's employees shall be ISA Certified Tree Worker Aerial Lift Specialisto <br />when working on trees beneath or in the vicinity of utilities. The ISA Certified Tree <br />Worker Aerial Lift Specialist® requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to perform <br />as a competent aerial lift operator. The knowledge gained with this certification can <br />25B -32 <br />