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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />The South Coast Metro District serves as it regional retail shopping <br />area which includes a range of commercial services and office <br />projects. <br />• The MacArthur Place District Center contains an existing <br />office /hotel complex and a prOpOSed major mixed use project which <br />will include professional offices, supporting commercial, and mid <br />and high -rise residential components. <br />• The Metro East District is envisioned as a vibrant urban village with <br />a balance of office, residential, and service uses. Pedestrian and <br />transportation linkages are key in this urban setting. <br />• The Transit Village District is envisionecl as a vibrant intense urban <br />village with. a balance of employment centers, residential and service <br />uses. Pedestrian and transit linkages to the Santa Ana Regional <br />Transportation Center is key in this district. <br />• The Harbor Corridor Mixed Use Transit Corridor creates a vision <br />for a more livable, sustainable setting through higher intensity <br />housing and mixed use development, convenient access to transit, <br />complete streets, and amenities that promotes active lifestyles. <br />• The Heritage District allows for mixed use development with higher <br />density residential and supportive commercial and office uses within <br />proximity to surrounding employment centers. <br />District Centers are considered to be the City's "major development areas." <br />The most intense development in the City is targeted to these areas. The <br />Tustin Avenue corridor is it major development area even though it is not a <br />designated District Center. Thus area has developed over the years as a prime <br />office corridor and employment area. The PAO designation facilitates the <br />continued development of this area with high intensity, high duality regional <br />office projects. <br />• The Urban Neighborhood (UN) land use designation applies to <br />primarily residential areas with pedestrian oriented commercial uses, <br />schools and small parks. The Urban Neighborhood allows for a mix <br />of residential uses and housing types, such as mid to low rise <br />multiple family, townhouses and single family dwellings; with some <br />opportunities for live -work, neighborhood serving retail and service, <br />public spaces and use, and other amenities. Either vertical or <br />horizontal integration of uses is permitted based on zoning <br />standards, with an emphasis on lying together the uses with <br />pedestrian linkages and street frontages. Street connectivity is <br />desirable, allowing for it high degree of walkablity, transit options, <br />and other forms of transportation including pedestrian and bicycle <br />travel. <br />CItv OF Sad ,T+; AMA GEt ERAL t'Gli I 75A -53 x_73 <br />