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FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
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2/1/2016 8:44:43 AM
Creation date
2/1/2016 8:31:14 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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• Christy Andrade indicated the courts are a nuisance. The park needs a <br />larger playground with equipment for younger children. <br />• Joe Andrade indicated he is the President of the Logan Neighborhood <br />Association. He indicated people are urinating in back of the courts and he <br />has a petition for the courts to be removed. The courts have been <br />removed in other locations and everyone is now is playing at Logan Park. <br />• Peter Katz, V.P Comlink, indicated he was happy staff was able to open <br />the Library Parking Structure for the library use during the weekend. The <br />library needs additional cameras inside the library and around the <br />restroom. There is no emergency system in the library. The library has a <br />problem with lice and needs regular fumigation. <br />• Barbara Lamere is wondering why the city has 5 swimming pools and it is <br />only open 2 day per week. Also the Newhope Library is open tomorrow <br />from 6pm to 8pm, but the children have to leave the library by 7pm. She <br />indicate SA Pony Baseball is great for the kids and the people that <br />organize the program are wonderful. <br />• CHEPA'S PARK UPDATE ON SECURITY LIGHTS, CAMERAS AND HANDBALL <br />COURT <br />o Ron Ono provided an update on the park security lighting, security camera <br />and handball court issues addressed at the last PREY meeting. <br />• Staff reported after measuring the lighting level in the park and it <br />meets the standard lighting level in most of our parks. To <br />address energy efficiency PRCSA is systematically changing <br />the old lighting to new LED lamps. This also helps increase the <br />lighting level. The cost to change the lamps at Chepa's Park is <br />estimated at $5,000. <br />• Staff indicated we are currently working with SAPID to identify <br />possible security camera locations in Chepa's Park. SAPID will <br />be preparing an RFP and cost estimate to retain a design /build <br />company to install the cameras that will tie into SAPID computer <br />surveillance system. <br />• Staff indicated the area behind the handball court is not visible <br />and a problem area for loitering. This area is secured with a <br />chain link fence and gate. Recreation staff indicated storage <br />space is needed for the new After School program. Staff will be <br />looking into weatherproofing and securing the space for storage. <br />o Erendira Moreno provided a report on that student from Sierra and Willard <br />Intermediate School uses the handball courts along with neighborhood <br />residents. SAPID and Recreation staff indicated only a few incidents have <br />been reported and in most cases the courts are well used. <br />• Councilmember Amezcua asked about the park and community <br />center hours and staff reported between 2:30pm to 7pm. Park <br />closes at dusk. <br />• Councilmember Reyna reported the tree in back of the <br />Community Center is rubbing against the building and needs to <br />PREY Meeting Page 2 October 26, 20t5 <br />13A -4 <br />
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