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FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
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2/1/2016 8:44:43 AM
Creation date
2/1/2016 8:31:14 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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III. GENERAL INFORMATION <br />A. The term of any agreement will begin after the contract is awarded by the City Council. <br />B. When determined appropriate, the City will provide information in its possession relevant to preparation of <br />required information in the RFP. The City will provide only the staff assistance and documentation specifically <br />referred to herein. <br />C. The Developer shall be responsible for retaining data, records and documentation for the preparation of the <br />required information. These materials shall be made available to the City as requested by the City. <br />D. This RFP does not commit the City to pay costs incurred in preparation of a response to this RFP. All costs <br />incurred in the preparation of the proposal, the submission of additional information and /or any aspect of a <br />proposal prior to award of a written contract will be borne by the respondent. The City reserves the right to <br />accept or reject the combined or separate components of this proposal in part or in its entirety or to waive any <br />informality or technical defect in a proposal. <br />E. All data, documents and other products used, developed or produced during response preparation of the RFP <br />will become property of the City. All responses to the RFP shall become property of the City. Proposer <br />information identified as proprietary information shall be maintained confidential, to the extent allowed under <br />the California Public Records Act. <br />F. The City reserves the right to reject, replace and approve any and all subcontractors. All subcontractor(s) shall <br />be identified in the response to the RFP and the City reserves the right to reject any subcontractor(s). <br />Subcontractors shall be the responsibility of the Developer and the City shall assume no liability of such <br />subcontractors. <br />IV. COORDINATION <br />Coordination by the awarded Developer with the City, other contractors and agencies will be required to <br />achieve satisfactory and timely delivery of the required services. Coordination may include, but not be limited <br />to, coordination with impacted businesses, neighborhood and civic groups, local and /or state agency boards, <br />and attendance at Community Redevelopment and Housing Commission meetings and City Council meetings. <br />The City will decide the manner in which the coordination efforts will be conducted. At the City's option, <br />coordination efforts may be performed by the Developer's direct contact, by the Developer acting through the <br />City or by the City only. When coordination efforts require agreements, such agreements shall be coordinated <br />through the City. <br />V. DEVELOPER RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The selected Developer will assume responsibility for all aspects of the development, and for insuring that the <br />project is developed and operated in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, HOME regulations and <br />Project -Based Voucher regulations. The selected Developer will ensure that the project is developed and <br />operated in accordance with the City of Santa Ana laws, regulations, and the planning and development process. <br />VI. CITY BUSINESS LICENSE <br />The selected proposer shall be required to obtain a City of Santa Ana Business license within 30 -days of selection <br />and must provide a copy to the City project manager or designee prior to commencing any work in Santa Ana. <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Proposals for Affordable Housing Development <br />1915 7 <br />
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