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FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2016-02-02
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2/1/2016 8:44:43 AM
Creation date
2/1/2016 8:31:14 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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CITY OF SANTA ANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT <br />EXHIBIT A— SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />I. INTRODUCTION <br />The City of Santa Ana is soliciting proposals for the development of affordable housing projects from developers who are <br />experienced, very knowledgeable of HUD programs and its requirements, financially creative and capable of developing, <br />managing and maintaining high quality affordable housing. The City may only accept proposals for the Acquisition and <br />Rehabilitation of Existing Residential Rental Projects. Any additional financing for a protect must be secured prior to <br />July 31 2016 in order to be eligible for an award of funds. <br />The maximum funding available will be as follows: <br />- $1,199,869 in HOME Program funds that must be committed by July 31, 2016 <br />- $161,007 in HOME Programs funds for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) only <br />- 50 Project -Based Vouchers from the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Ana for homeless individuals or <br />families <br />The financial data provided in this RFP is not guaranteed, and the availability of such funds is subject to change at any <br />time. The City of Santa Ana makes no guarantee of the availability of funding for any particular applicant or project. The <br />availability of 50 project -based vouchers is contingent upon proposals awarded under RFP # 15 -129 for 100 units of <br />Permanent Supportive Housing. The Housing Authority also understands that a project where 100% of the units <br />designated for homeless individuals or families could be one of many ways to serve the most vulnerable members of our <br />community. As a result, the Housing Authority is willing to consider proposals for project -based vouchers wherein at <br />least 50% of the project -based units are for homeless individuals or families and the remaining project -based units may <br />be for individuals or families earning less than 30% Area Median Income. The submission of a proposal in response to <br />this RFP does not commit the City to providing any funding to a proposed project. The City reserves the right to <br />determine at its sole discretion how to disburse available funds, if at all. <br />The selected developer will also have a demonstrated history of working cooperatively with surrounding neighborhoods <br />in all phases of project development. Both nonprofit and for profit developers are eligible to apply, either individually or <br />in partnership with other entities. Due to HUD's commitment deadlines for the City's funds, it is imperative that <br />applicants be able to demonstrate site control for the existing property they propose to acquire and rehabilitate. HUD <br />policy generally discourages the use of federal grant funds as the only financing source for housing projects. As a <br />consequence, developers who can demonstrate the capability to make non - federal funds a significant part of the <br />financing mix for their proposed project will score higher in the selection process than those who cannot. <br />II. HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (HOME) FUNDING <br />The City of Santa Ana (City) has adopted a Consolidated Five Year Plan (Plan) that governs its expenditure of formula <br />grant funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Plan identifies the <br />development of affordable rental housing and homeownership as a high priority. It further stipulates that HOME <br />Investment Partnership Act funds (HOME) may appropriately be used to meet these goals. <br />A. DEVELOPMENT SITE PREFERENCES <br />The City is not making any parcels it owns available for development through this RFP, and it will entertain <br />proposals for suitable properties located anywhere in the City. However, the City prefers to maximize the <br />positive impact of its limited federal housing development funds by concentrating their expenditure in targeted <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Proposals for Affordable Housing Development <br />Page 10 <br />19E -12 <br />
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