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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2016-012 - California Environmental Quality Act
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2/23/2016 2:21:31 PM
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2/23/2016 2:04:03 PM
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buildings and parking structures. The project design would provide that noise levels at common <br />areas would not exceed the City's 65 dBA CNEL noise standard, and impacts would be less than <br />significant. <br />The project site is adj acent to a rail line that is used by switchers. This distance between the rail <br />line and the sensitive onsite uses is 57 feet and would result in noise at the onsite sensitive uses <br />that is less than the City's 65 dBA noise standard. Additionally, the existing noise level in the <br />project area exceeds the noise generated by the switcher train movements, and impacts would be <br />less than significant. <br />6. Construction of the project would not result in exposure of persons to, or generation of, excessive <br />ground -borne vibration or ground- borrnc noise levels. Construction activities would generate PPV <br />groundborne vibration levels that are less than the threshold for building damage; and impacts <br />would be less than significant. Additionally, based on Caltrans criteria for human annoyance the <br />vibration levels experienced at adjacent uses would be distinctly perceptible. However, the <br />project's construction activities would be temporary and only occur in accordance with the City's <br />municipal code. Thus, vibration impacts associated with human annoyance would be less than <br />significant. <br />7. Operation of the proj cot would not result in exposure of persons to, or generation of, excessive <br />ground -borne vibration or ground -borne noise levels. The proposed types of land uses (i.e., <br />residential, commercial, office, open space /par ks) would not involve activities or operation of <br />stationary or mobile equipment that would result in high vibration levels. In addition, the existing <br />BNSP rail line located 57 feet to the west of the site. However, the vibration levels resulting from <br />use of the rail line are less than the vibration criteria for building damage and human annoyance. <br />Therefore, operational impacts related to vibration would be less than significant. <br />8. The project would not result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the <br />project vicinity above levels existing without the project. The vehicular noise generated from the <br />project would result in a minimal increase local noise levels that would not be perceptible and <br />would not exceed the threshold of significance. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. <br />The project would not result in exposure of people residing or working in the area to excessive <br />noise levels from operation of J WA, which is located approximately 1.8 miles southwest of the <br />proj cot site. The western portion of the proj cot site is located within the airport's 60 dBA CNEL <br />noise contour while the remainder of the site is located outside the 60 dBA CNEL noise contour. <br />The City's residential noise standards state that residential uses have an exterior noise standard of <br />65 dBA CNEL; thus, because the entire proj cot site is located outside of the 65 dB CNEL noise <br />contour, the proj cot would not expose people to excessive noise from JWA <br />10. The project would not result in cumulatively considerable impacts related to construction noise <br />and vibration. Construction noise and vibration is localized in nature and decreases substantially <br />with distance, Due to this distance and intervening structures located between the project site and <br />nearby foreseeable projects, a substantial increase in combined construction noise and vibration <br />levels would not occur should construction of this related proj cot occur at the same time as the <br />Th. I her logo Wed Use Project 17 E3AI 140730 <br />statement of Fects and Pindtngs September 2015 <br />
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