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103 <br />The said parking lot shall contain approximately 240 <br />parking spaces. The city shall not impose any charge <br />for parking at the said parking lot. The parking lot <br />is contemplated to be constructed approximately in the <br />year 2000. The City will not widen and improve Bristol <br />Street north of Edinger Avenue without construction of <br />the said parking lot. <br />6. Provision 22 shall hereby be added to the Agreement to <br />read as follows: <br />22. Exhibits <br />All exhibits to the Amendment are attached hereto <br />and incorporated herein as if fully set forth and in the <br />event of any duplicative numbered or lettered exhibits, <br />all exhibits to this Amendment shall superoede and <br />replace any previous exhibits. <br />9. Provision 23 shall hereby be added to the Agreement to <br />read as follows: <br />23. Hold Harmless <br />Developer agrees to and shall hold City, its <br />officers, agents, employees, consultants, special <br />counsel, and representatives harmless from liability: <br />(1) for damages, just compensation, restitution, <br />judicial or equitable relief arising out of claims for <br />personal injury, including health, and claims for <br />property damage, which may arise from the direct or <br />indirect operations of Developer or their contractors, <br />subcontractors, agents, employees, or other persons <br />acting on their behalf which relates to the Project; <br />and (2) from any claim that damages, just compensation, <br />restitution, judicial or equitable relief is due by <br />reason of the terms of or effects arising from this <br />Agreement. Developer agrees to pay all costs for the <br />defense of the City and its officers, agents, <br />employees, consultants, special counsel, and <br />representatives regarding any action for damages, just <br />compensation, restitution, judicial or equitable relief <br />caused or alleged to have been caused by reason of <br />Developer's actions in connection with the Project, any <br />claims arising out of this Agreement, or any approval <br />or certification by the city relating to the Project. <br />This hold harmless agreement applies to all claims for <br />damages, just compensation, restitution, judicial or <br />equitable relief suffered, or alleged to have been <br />Page 13 of I4 <br />75D -57 ___ __ <br />