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EIR No. 2013 -01 and Amend DA No. 1999 -01 <br />July 13, 2015 <br />Page 5 <br />2. A revised site description that will include an additional 19 parcels of land along with <br />vacated street rights -of -way, with a total project site of 25 acres; <br />3. A revised project description that will include the construction of a 990- space; three -level <br />parking structure and a new 30,820 square foot; two -story classroom building; and, <br />4. An increase in the allowable student enrollment from 2200 to 2500. <br />Staff has reviewed the applicant's proposal to amend the existing development agreement and is <br />recommending approval of the request. Approval will allow for the construction of additional <br />parking facilities on the school site and will allow Mater Del to consolidate their parking facilities <br />onto the school campus. Further, the proposed amendments will allow the expansion of a key <br />educational facility in the City. <br />Public Notification <br />The project site is located within the boundaries of the Memorial Park Neighborhood Association <br />and is adjacent to the BristoVWarner and Mid City Neighborhood Associations. The president of <br />these Neighborhood Associations were contacted by staff and notified by mail a minimum of 10 <br />days prior to the public hearing to ensure the associations were notified of the meeting and to see <br />if there were any areas of concern from the neighborhood. Most recently, staff and the applicant <br />attended the Memorial Park neighborhood meeting on June 26, 2015 to review the scope of the <br />project and receive input. A total of 10 members from the neighborhood were in attendance, with <br />staff responding to questions raised from the attendees. The questions pertained to issues such <br />as the construction schedule for the parking structure, the appearance of the parking structure, <br />lighting and potential light intrusion into the neighborhood, the relocation of the parking structure, <br />existing parking impacts and traffic. <br />The project site itself was posted with a notice advertising this public hearing, a notice was <br />published in the Grange County Register and mailed notices were sent to all property owners and <br />occupants within 500 feet of the project site. At the time of this printing, no correspondence, either <br />written or electronic, had been received from any members of the public. <br />CEQA Analysis <br />As part of the City's permitting process, the proposed, project is required to undergo an environmental <br />review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with <br />CEQA, the recommended actions have been reviewed through Environmental Impact Report (EIR) <br />No. 2013 -01. Sections 15080 through 15097 of the State CEQA Guidelines (Article 7) guide the <br />process for the preparation of an environmental impact report. <br />75D -7 <br />