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RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />Clerk of the Council <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />lE <br />Recorded in the county of Orange, California <br />liar L Granville Clark /Recorder <br />I11N11111ri1� 1II11II11111111111111111111111101111 QUO <br />19950419668 1,14pm 09/26/95 <br />008 12800674 12 24 <br />Al2 40 7.00 117 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Development Agreement ") <br />is made and entered into this 21st day of August , 1995, <br />by and between the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a municipal corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of the State of California F <br />(the ' +City+") , and the DIOCESE OF ORANGE, EDUCATION AND WELFARE <br />CORPORATION, a California nonprofit corporation ( "Developer ") ©WVrR <br />R E C I T A L 82 <br />A. California Government Code Sections 65964 et seg. provide <br />that the legislative body of a city may enter into a development <br />agreement for the development of real property in order to vest <br />certain rights in the developer and to meet certain public purposes <br />of the local government. Pursuant to California Government Code <br />Section 65965, the City has adopted its Resolution No. B2 -98 <br />( "Resolution No. 82-98 "), establishing procedures and requirements <br />for the approval of development agreements. Developer has applied <br />to the city pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864°- <br />55869.5 and pursuant to said Resolution for approval of the <br />Development Agreement set forth herein. <br />B. The Developer and the City desire to enter into this <br />Development Agreement in order to facilitate the physical expansion <br />and improvement of an existing private secondary school (the <br />"Development ") . The Development will be located partly on certain <br />property presently owned by the Developer (the "Original Parcel ") <br />which is shown as the Original Parcel on the map-set forth on <br />Exhibi�'�,��8, attached hereto, and which is described in Exhibit .H <br />attached hereto. The Development is also proposed to be located <br />partly on three additional parcels proposed to be acquired by the <br />Developer (the "Additional Parcels ") which are shown as Additional <br />Parcel No. 1, Additional Parcel No. 2, and Additional Parcel No. 3 <br />on Exhibit A. Additional Parcel No, 1 is presently owned by Clark <br />L. Loomis and James C. Loomis, Trustees of The Loomis Family Trust <br />and is described in Exhibit C, attached hereto. Additional Parcel <br />No. 2 is presently owned by First National Hank of Dona Ana County, <br />Trustee for The Charles Loomis Family Trust and is described in <br />� XN13a) 2 <br />75D -80 <br />