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MW <br />!, <br />title to each such Additional Parcel and it is intended that no <br />further or additional action be necessary by either party hereto <br />to make this Agreement effective as to such property; except that <br />section 12 of this Development Agreement shall be effective <br />immediately upon the Effective Date of this Development Agreement. <br />2. Term. <br />(a) The "Effective Date" of this Development Agreement shall <br />be the effective date of the ordinance adopted by the City <br />approving same, with the understanding that Developer shall execute <br />this Development Agreement prior to its submittal to the City <br />council for approval. <br />(b) The term ( "Term ") of this Development Agreement is <br />twenty -five (25) years from the Effective Date, subject to earlier <br />termination as hereinafter provided. Unless otherwise specified, <br />the obligations herein and the rights herein shall remain in full <br />force and effect throughout the Term. <br />(c) The City may terminate this Development Agreement prior <br />to expiration of the 'term if the Developer fails to perform its <br />obligations under this Development Agreement, subject to the <br />requirements of section 13. <br />3. Permitted Use 9X ti3.e Px4P.erty. <br />The parties agree that the use of the Property as a private <br />secondary school offering general, technical, vocational and <br />college preparatory education to students in grades 9 through 12 is <br />a permitted use of the Property, subject to the right of the City <br />to enforce all laws which do not conflict with the rights of the <br />Developer under this Development Agreement. In addition, a <br />permitted use of Additional Parcels Nos. 1 and 2 is apartment use <br />until such time as the apartments are replaced and a permitted use <br />of Additional Parcel No. 3 is office or classroom use, provided <br />such office or classroom use is carried on exclusively in conjunc- <br />tion with the school on the original Parcel. <br />4. Special Development Standards. <br />The following standards shall apply to the Development <br />notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the land use and <br />development plans and regulations of the city as they currently <br />exist or may be hereinafter amended: <br />(a) Intensity of use: The number of students attending the <br />school on the Property shall not exceed 2,200 at any one time. <br />75D -82 <br />