written consent of the City and any such msigument, transfer, delegation or subcontract without
<br />the City's prior written consent shall be considered null and void. Nothing in this Agreement
<br />shall be construed to limit the City's ability to have any of the services which are the subject to
<br />this Agreement performed by City personnel or by other consultants retained by City.
<br />15. TEIZA41NATION
<br />This Agreement may be terminated by the City with thirty (30) (lays written notice of
<br />termination to the Consultant.
<br />a. As a condition of such payment, the City may require Consultant to deliver to the city
<br />all the work product completed as of sixh date, and in such case such work product shall be the
<br />property of the City unless prohibited by law, and Consultant consents to the City's use thereof
<br />for such purposes as the City deems appropriate.
<br />b. Payment need not be made for work that fails to meet the standard of performance
<br />specified in the Recitals of this Agreement.
<br />Consultant shall t'iot discriminate because ofrt.ioe, color, creed, rQlation, sex, marital
<br />,status, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, or disability, as defined and prohibited
<br />by applicable law, in the recruitment, selection, training, utilization, promotion, termination or
<br />other employment related aoti vi ties or any activities under this Agreement. Consultant affirms
<br />that it is an equal opportunity employer and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and
<br />local laws and regulations.
<br />This Agreement has been executed and delivered in the State of California and the
<br />validity, interpretation, performance, and enforcement of any of the clauses of this Agreement
<br />shalt be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. Both parties further
<br />agree that Orange County, California, shall be the venue for any action or proceeding that may
<br />be brought or arise out of, in conneotioa with or by reason of this Agreement
<br />Consultant shill, throughout, the form of this Agreement, maintain till necessary licenses,
<br />permits, approvals, waivers, and exemptions necessary for the provision of th.e services
<br />hereunder and required by the laws and regulations of the United. Sates, the State, of California,
<br />the City of Santa Ana snit all other governmental agencies. Consultant shall notify the City
<br />in-nuediately and in writing ofberinability to obtain or maintain such permits, licenses,
<br />approvals, waiver.,;, and exen.iptions. Said inability shalt be cause for termination of this
<br />AgrecinonL
<br />`2641
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