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The AAA Appeals Process <br />THE APPEALS PROCESS WAS ESTABLISHED AS A RESOURCE FOR ALL RESTAURANTS, LODGINGS, <br />CAMPGROUNDS, AND ATTRACTIONS EVALUATED BY AAA. <br />What can I appeal? <br />Our relationships with lodging establishments are very important to us and, therefore, each situation is handled on an <br />individual basis via the following steps: <br />How do I file an appeal? <br />First, contact the AAA Customer Service Center, Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 5:15pm (Eastern Time) at <br />407 - 444 -8370. In many cases, our analysts will be able to answer your concern immediately. <br />If resolution is not obtained, your call will be directed to the AAA Regional Manager for your area. <br />If an issue remains unresolved after the above steps, an establishment is asked to state its concerns in writing for <br />review by the AAA Appeals Committee. All appeals entertained by the committee must be in writing from the <br />establishment only. In order to expedite this process, appeals should outline the specific concerns in a succinct <br />manner. Each appeal is thoroughly researched and given thoughtful consideration and a substantive reply. <br />All appeals should be sent to the attention of: <br />AAA Appeals Committee <br />1000 AAA Drive <br />Mail Stop 51 <br />Heathrow, FL 32746 -5063 <br />Please note: The committee's decision on your appeal will be considered as AAA's final decision. You will be <br />notified by mail as to the status of your appeal within 45 days of receipt of your written statement. <br />Green Programs <br />AAA SUPPORTS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGHOUT THE LODGING <br />INDUSTRY TO THE EXTENT THAT TRULY EFFECTIVE PROGRAMS MAINTAIN QUALITY STANDARDS OF <br />GUEST COMFORT. We strongly encourage continued use of programs that offer guests choices <br />without consequences for noncompliance. Effective green programs are intended to reduce waste <br />without reducing guest comfort. <br />55A 50 <br />