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EXHIBIT 1 <br />GOLD SEAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM <br />BACKGROUND <br />The incentive program is a mechanism that positively affects the quality of rental housing in the City of <br />Santa Ana. The program provides a monetary and marketing incentive for rental property owners to <br />abide by a set of minimum criteria - criteria that is, in some cases, over and above that which is <br />required by law. <br />Monetary Incentive - Owners of rental property who apply and qualify for the program are exempt from <br />the regulation inspection fee. <br />Marketing Incentive - Owners of rental property who apply and qualify for the program are presented <br />with materials to utilize when marketing their units. <br />ELIGIBILITY <br />All rental properties in the City of Santa Ana that pay a current regulation inspection fee are eligible for <br />the incentive program. A property with any one of the following conditions is ineligible for the incentive <br />program: <br />1. Unpaid regulation inspection fee <br />2. Outstanding code violations <br />Application Fees — Application fees will not be charged for the first 100 applications. After the first 100 <br />applications are processed, staff will evaluate whether or not an application fee should be charged as <br />a disincentive for frivolous filings. <br />QUALIFYING FOR THE INCENTIVE PROGRAM <br />In order to qualify for the incentive program, a rental property owner must pass all parts of a three - <br />stage process. <br />Stage One - The rental property owner will notify the City that he /she wishes to apply for the incentive <br />program and fill out the appropriate application. This will initiate a review and evaluation of the <br />property's management practices. Owners will be asked to provide the necessary information and <br />documentation to verify that they currently adhere to the following five good management practices: <br />Good Management Practices: <br />a) Owner abides by all fair housing laws <br />b) Owner uses a formal method to screen all potential residents <br />c) Owner utilizes a written rental agreement that contains specific criteria <br />d) Owner utilizes written "House Rules" <br />e) Owner performs "walk - throughs" at the b ginninin and end of each tenancy <br />