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Policy No. AES1043034 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />CG 2o33004 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the hdlowing� <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />A. Section 0—Who Is An Insured is amended to <br />include amanadditional insured any person nror- <br />ganization for whom you are performing opera- <br />tions when you and such person or organization <br />have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement <br />that such person or organization be added as an <br />additional insured on your policy. Such person or <br />organization is an additional insured only with re- <br />spect to liability for "bodily injury~ 'property dam- <br />age" or "personal <br />em'oge"or"peraone| and advertising injury" caused, <br />imwhole urinpart, by: <br />1. Your acts or omissions; or <br />2. The acts or omissions of those acting on you <br />behalf; <br />in the performance ofyour ongoing mp*maUoma for <br />the additional insured. <br />Aperson's ororganization's status as an addition- <br />al insured under this endorsement ends when <br />your operations for that additional insured are <br />completed, <br />w <br />B, With respect to the insurance afforded to these <br />additional insureds, the following additional exclu- <br />sions <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />1. <br />"Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal <br />and advertising injury" arising out of the ren- <br />dering of, or the failure to render, any profes- <br />sional architectural, engineering or survey�ng <br />services, including: <br />a. The preparing, approving, or failing to <br />pare or approve, maps, shop drawings, <br />opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, <br />change orders or drawings and specifica- <br />tions; or <br />b. Supervisory,inspection, architectural or <br />engineering activities. <br />3. "Bodily injury" or"property damage" occurring <br />a.All work, including materials, parts or <br />equipment furnished in connection with <br />such work, omthe project <br />vico, maintenance or repairs) to be per- <br />formed by or on behalf of the additional in- <br />sured(s) at the location of the covered <br />operations has been completed; or <br />b.That portion of"Your work" out ofwhich the <br />injury or damage arises has been put to its <br />intended use byany person ororganization <br />01 other than another contractor or subcon- <br />tractor engaged in performing operations <br />for eprincipal amapart mfthe same project. <br />CG 20 33 0,7 04 @ ISO Properties, |mz,2004 Page 1of1 0 <br />