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7. No Licenses or Partnership. No provision of this Agreement is intended to or shall be <br />deemed to grant any rights or licenses under the patents or patent applications, copyrights, <br />trademarks, know -how, technology or trade secrets owned by a party, or to create any <br />partnership, joint venture or other joint business arrangement between the parties. <br />8. Returns. Upon conclusion or termination of the Purpose, or forthwith upon the request of <br />a party, each party agrees to promptly return to the other party (i.e., within five (5) business <br />days) all Evaluation Material of the other party including, but not limited to all documents, <br />drawings, electronic data and reproductions thereof which may have come into the party's <br />possession; provided that, Evaluation Material that is inseparable from the analyses, <br />compilations or other work prepared by or for the non - disclosing party need not be returned if <br />promptly destroyed by the non - disclosing party; and further provided that, Evaluation Material in <br />the form of computer hard disk media need not be returned if deleted or destroyed. <br />Notwithstanding the return, deletion or destruction of any Evaluation Material, each party shall <br />continue to be bound by its confidentiality, non - disclosure and other obligations under this <br />Agreement. <br />9. Ownership of Evaluation Material. All Evaluation Material and any Derivatives (as <br />defined below) thereof whether created by Discloser or Recipient, shall be or remain the property <br />of Discloser and no license or other rights to such Evaluation Material is granted or implied by <br />this Agreement. "Derivatives" shall mean: (i) for copyrighted or copyrightable material, any <br />translation, abridgment, revision or other form in which an existing work may be recast, <br />transformed or adapted; (ii) for patentable or patented material, any improvement thereon; and <br />(iii) for material which is protected by trade secret, any new material derived from the existing <br />trade secret material, including new material which may be protected by copyright, patent or <br />trade secret. Each party agrees to take any further action and execute any additional documents <br />as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this section 9. <br />10. No Export. Each party certifies that no information will be exported to any country in <br />violation of the United States Export Administration Act and regulations thereunder. For the <br />purposes of this Section, "information" is deemed to include all information furnished by a party <br />to the other, whether or not Evaluation Material. <br />11. Governing Law; Non - Exclusive Jurisdiction. All matters arising out of or relating to this <br />Agreement or the parties' respective rights and liabilities thereunder shall be governed by the <br />laws of the State of California, without reference to its conflicts of laws provisions. Each party <br />consents to non - exclusive personal jurisdiction in any action brought in any court, federal or <br />state, within California, having subject matter jurisdiction arising under this Agreement. <br />12. Equitable Relief. Each party acknowledges that the other party will suffer irreparable <br />harm if the party breaches any obligation under this Agreement, and that monetary damages <br />would be inadequate to compensate the other party for the breach. Accordingly, each party <br />agrees that, in the event of its breach or threatened breach of any of the provisions of this <br />Agreement, the other party shall be entitled to equitable relief, including injunctive relief or <br />specific performance. No remedy conferred or reserved in this Agreement is intended to be <br />exclusive of any other available remedy; and each remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in <br />addition to every other remedy now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. <br />Sim <br />