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POWOY NUMBER; Cite 2030174 <br />N <br />This endorsement modifies In9Urenda provided unbar the following: <br />COMMERCIAL QENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />A. 0e0t10n II — Who Is An Insured Is amanded to <br />Include as an additional insured too parsons) or <br />organization($) shown in the Schedule, but only <br />with respect to liability for "bodily injury' "property <br />damage" or "personal and advertising injury, <br />caused, In whole. or In part, by <br />I. Your Bata or omisslon% or <br />2. The sots or emissions of those acting on your <br />behalf,, <br />In the performance of your ongoing operations for <br />the additional Insured($) at the location(s) <br />designated above, <br />However: <br />I. the Insurance afforded to such additional <br />Insured only applies to the extent permitted by <br />law; and <br />Z If oovcarage provided to the additional Insured is <br />required by a contract or agreement, the <br />Insurance afforded to such additional Insured <br />Will not be broader than that which you are <br />requiredby the contract or agreement to <br />Provide for such additional insured, <br />C. With respect to the Insurance afforded to those <br />additional insureds, the following is added fa <br />section Ili — Limits Of tneraranorn <br />It coverage provided to the additional Insured is <br />required by a contract or agrmement, the most we <br />will pay an 'behalf of the additional insured Is the <br />amount of Insurenoe; <br />1, Required by the contract or egrosment; or <br />00MMERCIAt.00NERAL LIABILITY <br />CO 20 10 0413 <br />lik With respeot to the InsuranGo afforded to these <br />additional insureds, the following (additional <br />exclusions apply: . <br />This insurance does not apply to "bodily Injury® or <br />"Property damage" ooeuMng after: <br />1. All work, Including materials, parts or <br />equipment furnished in connection with such <br />work, On the project (other than earVlce, <br />maintenance or reports) to be performed by or <br />on behalf of the additional lnsurad $) at the <br />location of the covered operations has bean <br />completed; or <br />Z That portion of "your work" out of which the <br />injury or damage arises has beers put to his <br />Intended use by any parson or organization <br />other than another contractor or subcontractor <br />arigaged In performing operations for a <br />principal as a Pori of the same project, <br />2. Available under the applicable Limits of <br />Insurance shown in the Laoolaraeion% <br />whichever Is lase. <br />Thle endorsement shall net Increase the <br />applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the <br />Doularatione, <br />