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SA_FULL PACKET_2016-07-05
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Successor Agency (Formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency) (1974-Present)
SA_FULL PACKET_2016-07-05
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Last modified
6/30/2016 5:41:03 PM
Creation date
6/30/2016 5:40:40 PM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Community Development
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(i) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section 6.11 to the contrary, if the Agency <br />shall provide to the Trustee an opinion of counsel of recognized standing in the field of law <br />relating to municipal bonds (and approved in writing by the Agency) to the effect that any action <br />required under this Section 6.11 is no longer required, or that some further or different action is <br />required, to maintain the exclusion from federal gross income of the interest on the Tax Exempt <br />Bonds pursuant to the Code, the Trustee and the Agency may conclusively rely on such opinion <br />in complying with the provisions of this Section 6.11, and the provisions hereof shall be deemed <br />to be modified to that extent, <br />Section 6.12 Compliance with the Dissolution Act, The Agency covenants that in <br />addition to complying with the requirements of Section 5,01 hereof, it will comply with all other <br />requirements of the Dissolution Act. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the <br />Agency covenants and agrees to file all required statements and seek all necessary successor <br />agency or an oversight board approvals required under the Dissolution Act to assure compliance <br />by the Agency with its covenants under the Indenture. Further, the Agency will take all actions <br />required under the Dissolution Act to include on its ROPS for each ROPS Period all payments <br />expected to be made to the Trustee in order to satisfy the requirements of the Indenture, <br />including any amounts required to pay principal and interest payments due on the Senior Bonds, <br />Outstanding Bonds and any Parity Debt, any deficiency in the Reserve Account to the Rill <br />amount of the Reserve Account Requirement (including amounts due to the 2016 Bond Insurer <br />as issuer of the 2016 Reserve Policy) and any deficiency in the reserve accounts under the <br />indentures for the Senior Bonds, any Compliance Costs, and any required debt service, reserve <br />set - asides, and any other payments required under the Indenture or similar documents pursuant to <br />Section 34171(d)(1)(A) of the California Health and Safety Code, so as to enable the County <br />Auditor - Controller to distribute from the RPTTF amounts to the Trustee for deposit in the Tax <br />Increment Fimd on each ROPS Distribution Date amounts required for the Agency to pay the <br />principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the Outstanding Bonds and any Parity Debt <br />coming due in the respective ROPS Period. These actions will include, without limitation, <br />placing on the periodic ROPS for approval by the Oversight Board and the DOF, to the extent <br />necessary, the amounts to be held by the Agency as a reserve until the next ROPS Period, as <br />contemplated by paragraph (1)(A) of subdivision (d) of Section 34171 of the Dissolution Act, <br />that are necessary to provide for the payment of principal of, premium, if any, and the interest <br />under the Indenture when the next property tax allocation is projected to be insufficient to pay all <br />obligations due under the Indenture for the next payment due in the following ROPS Period. <br />The Agency covenants that (i) it will include all amounts presently due and payable to the <br />2016 Bond Insurer on each Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule ( "ROPS ") submission, (ii) <br />if any amounts payable to the 2016 Bond Insurer are not included on any current ROPS and the <br />Agency is then legally permitted to amend such BOPS, the Agency will amend its current ROPS <br />to include such amounts payable to the 2016 Bond Insurer, and (iii) the Agency will not submit <br />for approval by the Oversight Board or the DOF a ROPS covering multiple ROPS Periods or any <br />Last and Final Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule as provided in the Dissolution Law <br />without the prior consent of the 2016 Bond Insurer. <br />Section 6.13 Negative Pledge. The Agency may not create or allow to exist any liens <br />on Tax Revenues senior to (except as provided in the indenture securing the Senior Bonds) or on <br />a parity with the Series 2016 Bonds except as provided in Article IV hereof. The Agency shall <br />39 <br />3 -57 <br />
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