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I.etior Agieomow Shakespeare in the Park 2016 <br />Pope -' <br />' ('onulot uial Cicnaral Liability htnurance. SpeakuScrfornier shall maintain conuuercial general litihifiry in.wum:c <br />naunnp the City, its officers, QInPIoyccs, agents, "dunteci's and rupreseinatives as ndditiuwil insurcd(s) mud sh❑II <br />uwlndo, but mn be limited to protection against claims arising From bodily and rimun it hum", mcluddy duath i "ah"le <br />thurch-oui and dmnagc to property, resulting from any net rr ucctinvacc arising out or5pcakc-rr1'ct Fanner'. nper;di�-o' <br />inlBeperl'urnnutee'riflhisAgruumcul,including,withnullimiuuiun,nutsiuvuleinguclncics 'lhuunuwnt.,,• <br />shall be ant loss [halt the Billowing: single limit coverage applying to bodily and porsonal injury, iucludintu death <br />resulting therefrom, and property chniage, in the total amount or$Ip010QO per oecurrcneu, with 52,t10t MM, in the <br />Agg)'VeINIe Such insurance shalk (1) name the City, its editors, eniployucs, agents, volunteers u d rapresuu tutees rre <br />additional insureds, (2) be primary and not contributory with respect to ursuraoeo or .;elf-iusurmuc prognmt, <br />muinuunucl by the City: and (3) contain standard selnuntiou of insured provisions. <br />?. Worker-s Compensation Insurance In aecordauce with Chu Cnlilonua Labor Code, Speaker'Pct9'orincr, it <br />Speaken'Porfnrmcr has any employees, is required to be insured against liaWMy for workers compohnumi or to <br />undertake self-insurance. <br />14, The City shad have the right and royalty -Free license to simtdcasi or produce and show a tape -delayed broadcast of <br />Speaker/Performcr's engagement or presentation to the City comnnul or general public, duough Wchcast or any <br />other incam.c. rills license shall he non-exclusivc and the copyngbi shall roniain with the Spcakef PcrG,rnwr. Copiaa <br />of Spuikar.'I'crrormer-s enguguromt or prusomMion tray be maintained by the City, and Speaker Per I�1Cn1Ul con,cill" <br />to use or such recor'din_s. <br />15. Speakell"ertbrmer shall not discriminate because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual oricniamm, <br />age, nalband origin, ancestry, disability, or any other basis protected by applicable law in comiection with any acticitics <br />related to this Agreomenl. <br />I b. 'Phis Aprecmcrt shall in all respects shall be interpreted, enforced, and govemed exclusvely by and under the tunes of <br />the state of California. Both parties agree dial onmgc County. California, shall be the venue In any action or <br />proceeding that may be brought or arise out A in canncCtion with or by reason of this Agreement. <br />17. This Agreement represents the complete and exclusive statement between the City and SpeakerPerAnner regarding <br />the subject matter heroin and supersedes any and all other agreements, oral or written, between the panties. 'Iles <br />Agmmium may not be modified except by widucu instrument signori by the City and by an authori>cd rcprvsentalicu <br />o r S pea kerlPerfiurtncr- <br />Cll Y OF.' "' ANA <br />6n�tuC- A <br />(T y Manager <br />- MARIA D. I(AZAR <br />f 'Clerk of the Council <br />RECt NIMENDED FOR APPROVAL: <br />Gcrerrdo Mrxrcl <br />YT <br />KI R/PERFORN A <br />L---� <br />Shakespeare by the , ea <br />APPROVED ASTO FORM: <br />Jol[ M.hC1NK <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />E'.xend%Dimon oPPals, Remyrition, and Communtity Services Agwcy <br />