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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 15-6843 <br />SAFI TRANSIT STOPS <br />OWNERSHIP AFFIDAVIT <br />S'TATF, OF CALIFORNIA <br />I <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />I SS: <br />CITY OI' SANTA ANA <br />) <br />Michael- 'Martin <br />, being duly sworn, deposes and says: <br />[INDIVIDUAL <br />Thathe/she is the party making, the fbrcgoing proposal: <br />❑ PAR TNLRSI HP <br />That he/she IS a member of the co -partnership firm designated as: <br />and who has, been and is duly vested with the authority to snake and execute insnwnents <br />for the co -partnership by. <br />who constitute the odus members of rhe co -partnership. <br />(h] CORPORATION <br />That he is of: <br />President <br />a corporation which is making the foregoing proposal: <br />[I JOINT V G:NTURH <br />That he is of: <br />one of' tile parties making the foregoing proposal as a joint venture, and the he/she has <br />been and is duly vested with the authority to execute instruments fiir an on behalf of the <br />Parties making said bid who are: <br />that such a bid is genuine and not collusive or shale, and has not in any manner sought by <br />collusion to secure any advantage against the City of Santa Ana or any person interested in the <br />proposed con tact, "trim If or an r Cher erson. <br />SignatUr of Bidder <br />Stiibscribed nd swo n t before me this?6tr, day of April_ 201_6 <br />Signature of officer Administering Oath (Notary Public) <br />P-6 of P-16 <br />8 ;�, <br />NICK MARTIN <br />Commission # 1978731 <br />Notary Public - Udua rnia z <br />a t+.1- • <br />x•r'1 <br />0'' <br />orange County <br />My Comm. Gxpires May 27, 2818 <br />P-6 of P-16 <br />