<br />'AUG 15 2m
<br />CAO CO) SEt._t 1`l.l=.NIEN € AND ItElLErtSt., ,eGatEER[EN`t;
<br />I his Settlement and Relca*x Agreement lhercinaflcer referred to at., "Agrceatrent""l is made
<br />and entered into by Plaintiff CITY OF SAN, FA ANA. a California municipal Corporation
<br />(horeinaller referred to as "t "ity"), and Defendant 1'radeep K, harsh (hereinafter referred to as
<br />-Del`clldant-). The City and Defendant are sometimo herrinaller referred it) in this Agreement
<br />iudivitlmallg aa' l arl.v- and a ollu:,tivcll1s "i'artics", I'llbi Agiccntent Aall he eTlcclivc as of the
<br />date *tribe last signsture to this Amcemem, and is dated for o lerenec purlteascs etrtly, °-\tagust d,
<br />1016.
<br />VVI IFR AS, a disputr i"the: Dispkae 7 had ari:;co betv�cen the, Partie,,,.cncerning atlh-lwi
<br />subttandatrd building viohltikm,.; and oflwr atticgcd nonuonlolnaing condiitions curt the parcel <s€'tval
<br />property located at 2222 South lime l lriv ce Santa Ana, California. Ascssor' ss Parcel Nurnbor 408-
<br />466-15 (hereinafter rererred to as the "Sulaject Propetty" ), as more partiodarly described in the
<br />City's Verified Compfmint liar Nuisance Abatement and 1icecivcrship (hc'ehtaaltcr wferrecl to as
<br />the "Complaint'). files] in tiles Superior Ceatut of California, County ol'Orange. Casc. No. jo-2015-
<br />(1081,2834-CU-P"h-C.lt: (hereittaafter referred to .as "AetiorCL can or €€bout October 12015.
<br />lief nda llt has been the Durno of the Skabl sct Properten at all relevza a tinier.
<br />lb'l�fl%l .•tF±, dac (.`iiv�`s Cttrstt3luiaat tallcsretf tlaaat the :inlslcca 1'respe;ttY posMcl ;a aaesi;asancc, <and
<br />ee°as scabstatttiatllyciant�erents to the health and satciy of residents and the public. Derendant
<br />disputes these ullefaations. The Parties afrree, horwe),cr, that the 'Subject Property, is now in
<br />compliance, as of the date of°this Agreement.
<br />ilrREAS, the Parties have engaged in cans>lderoble aae„gotiat.etnv and discussions in all
<br />effort tea aaaaiCably resolve their- dislanEes, the Complaint and that Action.
<br />WHEREAS. given that Derendant has brought the: Subject Property into ccnarphtnrm the
<br />Parties deshe to avoid ftarther li€igiation and use of resour rars its the Action,
<br />NOW, 1"k'1Lltl`i'ORI-', in of in(. forcgoing representvtions and the annual
<br />t zovenzu)s, prol'nises, :.and considerations herein set forth, inctuding but not ]plaited to, the released
<br />provided herein, and with the intent to be legally bound, the Parties mutually agree as follows:
<br />1. D sntlaalil or ictiotl cvi l'a°e'uslic==z�ltrei ltu)ease oC C.ily-'&[oti ae Ln -LU -11e, tri tke
<br />Sptjj ,ct PrM erivc Within €star (10) clays of the last date of,executitna of this Agreement by all of the
<br />undersigned, the City shall: (l) cause to be tiled with the Court a Rtiquust for Dismissal with
<br />prejudice ofthe Action and will forward to D fendan€'s counsel at conficrunud copy of the Request
<br />for Dismissal with prejudice upon receipt, end (2) the City shell also deliver for recording with the
<br />Orange County recorder's Office a release andror withdralvvaal of the "Notice of Continuing
<br />Violation/Notice and Order of City of Santa Ana Municipal Ordinanee" (hereinafter referred to as
<br />"the Notice") recorded November l7, 2014 as Orange County instrument number 2014x300492991,
<br />and promptly provide written confirmation of than iiact to opposing counsel vias email with a copy
<br />of the release/withdrawal document to he recorded.
<br />"I In the event than Defendant discovers and/or is advised that there exist other liens,
<br />$ astemeot ReSeaveAg€eE+tieek 16. 0904 t':ajlw t of 5
<br />