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Developer / Owner / Sponsor Experience. A narrative describing recent affordable residential development <br />and management experience, with an emphasis on experience gained in the last five years on projects. <br />a. Include project name and type (special needs, senior, large family, etc.), project address, developer <br />team members, unit count and bedroom type, affordability requirements, and funding sources in your <br />description. <br />4. Financial Capacity. Description of financial strength and ability to obtain project financing, and to provide <br />sufficient equity for the successful completion of a proposed project once placed on the Approved CHDO List. <br />a. Include a description of current relationships with major lending institutions. <br />b. The CHDOs selected for recommendation to City Council will be required to submit complete financial <br />statements for the last three years. Because of the possibility of public records requests, the City cannot <br />guarantee that these statements will remain confidential. <br />5. References. Include a list of at least three references from public agency partners and professional lenders and <br />investors with full names, contact information, and identification of the project(s). <br />SOQs must be limited to a maximum of 25 pages, excluding front and back covers, section dividers, and exhibits. <br />6. Exhibit B—Complete CHDO Checklist <br />7. Exhibit D - Additional Insured Endorsement for Commercial General Liability Policy (Not required until after <br />Developer selection) <br />8. Exhibit E — Proposer's Statement <br />9. Exhibit F—Certification of Nondiscrimination <br />10. Exhibit G — Non -Collusion Affidavit <br />The proposal/statement of qualifications must be completely responsive to the RFQ. Incomplete <br />proposals/statement of qualifications will be deemed as nonresponsive and will be rejected. The City reserves the <br />right to reject any or all proposals/statement of qualifications submitted and no representation is made hereby that <br />any contract will be awarded pursuant to this RFQ or otherwise. <br />XIV. DEVELOPER SELECTION —PROPOSAL AND EVALUATION <br />Immediately following the submission deadline, the Community Development Agency will create a review panel <br />composed of City staff from relevant City departments. Each member of this panel will evaluate and rank each <br />proposal/statement of qualifications using the evaluation criteria listed below. Those proposals/SOQs that meet the <br />requirements of the CHDO Checklist and the minimum evaluation score will be placed on the Approved CHDO List. <br />The City is requiring a multi -step process for a CHDO to use the HOME CHDO Funds. First, the Developer or Sponsor <br />must be approved on the Approved CHDO List in order for the CHDO to be eligible to submit a proposal for a specific <br />project to use the available CHDO HOME Funds. Proposals that are submitted will then be reviewed and approved <br />by staff for use of the CHDO HOME Funds. <br />The evaluation criteria for placement and approval on the Approved CHDO List is as follows: <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Qualifications for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) <br />Page 7 <br />19F-10 <br />