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• The City will require developers to enforce the federal occupancy standard of two persons per bedroom <br />plus one. <br />• The City utilizes rent and income tables developed by HUD, and for 30 percent of median rents, tables <br />developed by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. Allowable rents and incomes may remain <br />unchanged or may go down from one year to the next. Attainable rents may be significantly less than <br />allowable rents. The City anticipates that HUD may release new rent and income tables for the HOME <br />Program at some time during the next several months. Both may be lower than the current tables. <br />• Projects with more than eleven (11) HOME Assisted units are subject to Davis -Bacon wage <br />requirements. <br />• HUD regulations prohibit the use of federal funds to pay relocation costs for tenants without a legal <br />right to reside in the United States. State law requires that they be paid for those costs. Consequently <br />the City will require that they be paid out of a nonfederal funding source. <br />• For acquisition/rehabilitation projects the City will require that the developer hire a professional <br />relocation firm to develop and implement a relocation plan. The selected firm must be acceptable to <br />the City. If awarded, for all projects, either new construction or acquisition/rehabilitation, the Developer <br />will be required to provide a Voluntary Letter in accordance with federal regulations. <br />• Unless it will be rent and income restricted, HOME funds cannot be used to pay for the development of <br />a resident manager's unit. <br />• Under the newly revised HOME Program final rule, the City may not enter into a written agreement that <br />commits HOME funds until all other required funding has been secured by means of a firm commitment, <br />a budget and production schedule has been established, and underwriting completed. In order to <br />facilitate this process, the City will require the selected developer to provide evidence of a firm <br />commitment for any additional funds required by the project. If the selected developer cannot provide <br />the financing commitments, their proposal will be denied. <br />• Under the newly revised HOME Program final rule, nonprofits wishing to be certified as CHDOs must <br />have paid staff whose experience qualifies them to undertake CHDO activities. To act as a "developer," <br />a CHDO must be in sole charge of all aspects of the development process, including design, financing <br />and construction. CHDO rental projects "developed" by a CHDO must be owned by the CHDO. Two <br />other CHDO roles and their requirements ("owner" and "sponsor") are described in Section 92.300 of <br />the revised rule which is available on HUD's website. Nonprofits seeking HOME funding as CHDOs must <br />identify which of these three roles they will play, and how they meet HUD's requirements. <br />• The newly revised HOME Program final rule includes several mandated progress -related deadlines that <br />will be incorporated into the developer's loan agreement, and that must be incorporated into the <br />project's proposed timeline: <br />o Construction must be underway within a year of the commitment of HOME funds <br />o HOME assisted rental units must be occupied by income -eligible tenants within 18 months of <br />project completion. <br />o HOME projects must be completed within four years of the commitment of HOME funds <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Qualifications for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) <br />19age 12 <br />5 <br />