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MILLER MENDEL, INC. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL <br />3.4 Service Requests. <br />(i) In support of Services described in this SLA, MMI will make every effort to respond to and resolve <br />service related incidents and/or requests submitted by the Client during normal hours stated in Section 3.1, <br />within the following time frames: <br />• Within twenty-four (24) hours for issues client reasonably classifies as High priority. <br />• Within three (3) days for issues reasonably classified by client as Medium priority. <br />• Within seven (7) days for issues reasonably classified by client as Low priority. <br />(ii) Client shall include the priority level in the subject line of any email sent to MMI reporting a service <br />problem. <br />(iii) Client shall ensure its Admin Users have a copy and have read this SLA to ensure requests are made <br />in consideration of this SLA. <br />(iv) Client acknowledges reported problems may be as a result of their own hardware, software, settings, <br />or Authorized Users and Applicants, in which MMI has no control over. <br />(v) MMI reserves the right to reasonably reclassify the priority of an incident, when received from Client. <br />MASTER SOFTWARE LICENSE & SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 16 OF 17 <br />Version: August 27, 2015 — Santa Ana PD Only <br />