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except taxes legally payable by City, will be paid by the City unless <br />expressly included and itemized in the proposal, <br />c. Amount paid for transportation of property to the City of Santa Ana is <br />exempt from Federal Transportation 'Fax. An exemption certificate Is not <br />required where the shipping papers show the consignee is the City of <br />Santa Ana; as such papers may be acceptable by the carrier as proof of <br />the exempt character of the shipment, <br />d. Articles sold to the City of Santa Ana are exempt from certain Federal <br />excise taxes. The City will furnish an exemption certificate. <br />6. All prices quoted shall be in United States dollars and "whole cent," no cent fractions <br />shall be used. There are no exceptions. <br />7. Price quotes shall include any and all Payment incentives available to the City, <br />8. Proposer are advised that in the evaluation of costs, if applicable, it will be assumed <br />the unit price quoted is correct in the case of a discrepancy between the unit price <br />and an extension, <br />9. Federal and State minimum wage laws apply. The City has no requirements for <br />living wages, The City is not imposing any additional requirements regarding wages. <br />3.2.5 AWARD FOR EXERCISES <br />1 The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses that materially differ from <br />any terms contained in this RFQ or from any Exhibits attached hereto, to waive <br />informalities and minor irregularities in responses received, and to provide an <br />opportunity for proposers to correct minor and immaterial errors contained in their <br />submissions. The decision as to what constitutes a minor irregularity shall be made <br />solely at the discretion of the City, <br />2. The City reserves the right to award to a single or multiple proposers, <br />RFQ No, 16-068 <br />Pare 28 <br />