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SCHEDULE B -1 <br />GRANT No. PT17117 <br />BUDGET NARRATIVE Page 1 <br />PERSONNEL COSTS <br />Overtime <br />Overtime for grant funded law enforcement operations may be conducted by personnel such as a <br />Lieutenant, Sergeant, Caporal, Deputy, Officer, Reserve Officer, Community Services Officer, <br />Dispatcher, etc., depending on the titles used by the agency and the grantees overtime policy. Personnel <br />will be deployed as needed to accomplish the grant goals and objectives. <br />Costs are estimated based on an overtime hourly rate range of $50.00 hour to $99.00 /hour. <br />Overtime reimbursement will reflect actual costs of the personnel conducting the appropriate operation <br />up to the maximum range specified. <br />No benefits will be paid in this grant. <br />TRAVEL. EXPENSE, <br />In State <br />Costs are included for appropriate staff to attend conferences and training events supporting the grant <br />goals and objectives and /or traffic safety. Local mileage for grant activities and meetings is included. <br />Anticipated travel may include the California Narcotics Officers Association annual conference. All <br />conferences, seminars or training not specifically identifed in the Schedule B -1 (Budget, Narrative) must <br />be approved by OTS. All travel claimed must heat the agency approved rate. Per Diem may not be <br />claimed for meals provided at conferences when registration, fees are paid with OTS grant f ands. <br />Out -Of -State <br />Appropriate staff may attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual DRE Conference <br />in support of the grant goals and objectives. All out -of -state travel not specifically identified in the <br />Schedule B -1 (Budget Narrative) must receive written approval frond OTS. All travel claimed must be at <br />the agency approved rate. Per Diem may not be claimed for meals provided at conferences when <br />registration fees are paid with OTS grant f aids. <br />CONTRACTUAL SERVICES <br />None <br />EQULPMSNT <br />None <br />OTS -38f (Rev. 4/16) <br />