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A. StoryCorps will record up to eighteen (18) Onsite Interviews on November 8, 9, 10, 2016 at <br />Santa Ana Public Library Main Branch, located at 26 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA <br />92701, <br />B. StoryCorps personnel conducting the Onsite Interviews will work a maximum of nine hours <br />per day. A full nine -hour interview day includes: six 40-minute interview appointments, a one - <br />hour lunch break, and two hours for equipment set-up and break -down. See Exhibit A for an <br />example of a common nine -hour day. <br />C. At the end of each forty -minute Onsite Interview, the Onsite participants will receive one <br />broadcast quality audio compact disc ("CD") of the Onsite Interview. The Onsite Interview <br />participants will also be asked to sign a Release after the Onsite Interview is finished. If the <br />Release is signed, StoryCorps will retain a copy of the Onsite Interview and a duplicate will <br />be provided to the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. <br />D. A copy of the Onsite Interview materials recorded on November 8, 9, 10, 2016 may be <br />archived by the Partner and the Institute of Museum and Library Services and used for <br />programmatic purposes in accordance with this Agreement. <br />E. StoryCorps will identify one (1) Onsite Interview that may be used for production. StoryCorps <br />shall provide professionally edited segment ("Produced Audio Segments") to Partner <br />according to the following terms.) <br />1. The producer will deliver a rough cut to the Partner for review. Partner may provide <br />minor editorial comments within two weeks of receipt of the Produced Audio Segment, <br />and should confirm that any hard facts mentioned in the story are accurate as set forth <br />in Exhibit B. <br />2. Upon receiving the final edited segment, Partner is encouraged to share the story with <br />the interview participant(s) before sharing it publicly as a courtesy. <br />III. STORYCORPS OBLIGATIONS <br />A. StoryCorps shall provide the following under this Agreement: <br />1. Two trained and certified StoryCorps interview facilitators ("Facilitators"), who shall <br />handle all technical aspects of the Onsite Interviews; and <br />2. All audio and photographic equipment necessary to record Onsite Interviews and take <br />photographs of the participants. <br />B. StoryCorps shall provide the Released Interview Files to Partner on a standard definition <br />digital video disc ("DVD") or a 100 gigabyte hard drive ("Hard Drive'). If the Partner receives <br />a Hard Drive, they must return the Hard Drive in the same condition in which it was received <br />to StoryCorps within one (1) week of receiving the Hard Drive. <br />IV. PARTNER OBLIGATIONS <br />A. Partner shall provide a quiet room with at least one table, a minimum of three chairs, and <br />electrical outlets. <br />B. Partner is responsible for all scheduling and filling of appointment slots consistent with <br />Section II. <br />C. Partner shall coordinate with StoryCorps personnel. <br />D. Partner shall provide a clean, safe environment, free from harassment, for the StoryCorps <br />StoryCorps Onsite Agreement 12 <br />