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create a nuisance, (2) will not interfere with flood control or Airport operations or operational <br />requirements, (3) will minimize its effect on Golf Lossee, and (4) mitigates and compensates <br />TWA and/or Golf Lessee for any negative impact due to the Project. <br />F. The Project's proposed plan as shown on Exhibit B (Preliminary Plan) is to <br />install, operate, and maintain pipelines within public street fight -of -way The Cities are amenable <br />to accommodating pipelines and other necessary Project Facilities within their respective public <br />street right-of-way in fiutherace of the Project. <br />G. SANTA ANA will be the lead agency for the Project under CEQA, and if <br />applicable NEPA, as well as being responsible for the PS&E, acquisition of property rights, <br />relocations, necessary permits and easements, and construction administration necessary for the <br />Project. <br />H. The Parties anticipate the Project costs to be about $9,367,875 ("Estimated <br />Cost") based upon the itemized estimated expenses listed on Exhibit C3, <br />I. The Estimated Cost amount includes an estimate of long-term O&M expenses <br />projected over twenty years in the amount of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000). <br />J. SANTA ANA has been awarded a Measure M2 Environmental Cleanup Program <br />Grant from the Orange County Transportation Authority in the amount of TWO MILLION, <br />FIVE -HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED, and SEVENTY-FIVE <br />DOLLARS ($2,572,875) ("Grant"), which shall be used for the capital construction costs <br />associated with the Project. <br />K. The Project proposes to divert trash and debris into a containment area while <br />conveying dry -weather flows into an Orange County Sanitation District trunk main which serves <br />an OCSD sanitary sewer treatment plant and thereafter to the OCWD Groundwater <br />Replenishment System. In furtherance of the Project, OCWD has offered to pay a one-time sum <br />of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) toward the construction costs pursuant to the terms <br />and conditions provided herein. SANTA ANA will accept and expend said funds from OCWD <br />for the construction of the PROJECT. <br />L. SANTA ANA is committing its resources and is agreeable to contribute toward <br />the Project design, construction, and O&M. SANTA ANA agrees to make one limp sum <br />payment for their proportionate share in the costs for the design, construction long-term O&M <br />costs in an aggregate amount not to exceed of ONE MILLION, NINE -HUNDRED <br />THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,900,000), as denoted in Exhibit Cl, <br />M. OCFCD and COUNTY are agreeable to contribute toward Project design, <br />construction, and O&M. Per the terms of this Agreement, OCFCD and COUNTY agrees to <br />make one lump sum payment of their joint proportionate share in the costs for the design and <br />construction, and long-term O&M in an aggregate amount not to exceed ONE MILLION, SIX - <br />HUNDRED, THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,600,000), as denoted in Exhibit Cl. OCFCD is <br />agreeable to accept certain ownership, O&M responsibilities, in accordance with the terms <br />herein, for the portion of the Facilities located upon OCFCD, COUNTY and/or JWA right-of- <br />way. <br />Santa Ana-Detlri Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 <br />23A-61 <br />Page 9 of 69 <br />