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SECTION 4 <br />RESPONSIBILITIES OF NEWPORT BEACH <br />4.1 General Resonsibilities <br />NEWPORT BEACH shall review the Project's plans and financially contribute toward the <br />Project Fund as indicated in Exhibit C2, <br />4.2 Environmental Review; Permitting <br />NEWPORT BEACH shall comply with all of the commitments and conditions set forth in the <br />environmental documentation, environmental permits, approvals, and applicable agreements <br />obtained for the Project as those commitments and conditions apply to their responsibilities <br />under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NEWPORT BEACH through its <br />designated Project Representative shall review and approve all permit conditions and other <br />resource agency approvals that affect the construction and O&M of the Facilities, or any portion <br />thereof within its jurisdiction and in, on, or about its right-of-way as to its respective compliance <br />with applicable Regulations. <br />4,3 Design <br />NEWPORT BEACH shall review all draft and final Project design reports, and PS&E submitted <br />for their approval and shall have its Project Representative respond in writing to SANTA ANA <br />as to a submittal's review for approval in a timely manner. Subsequent to approval of the final <br />design, any material design change variance shall require mutual approval by the Project <br />Representatives. <br />4.4 Right of Wttv <br />As indicated in the Prelinrinary PlanExhibit B no pipelines for the Project are proposed to be <br />installed within the public right-of-way of NEWPORT BEACH, However, in the event the final <br />design necessitates the use of public right-of-way and in order to reduce Project costs, provided <br />that a request is in compliance with all permits and regulatory approvals, NEWPORT BEACH <br />shall allow the Project Facilities or portion thereof (including the aforementioned pipelines) to <br />be constructed, operated, and maintained, after an appropriate review, within its respective right <br />of way. Any additional project costs shall be shared by the Parties other than OCWD and IRWD. <br />4,5 Construction <br />NEWPORT BEACH shall waive any costs or fees with respect to the permits issued by it in <br />furtherance of the Project. The terns and conditions of the permits shall be consistent with this <br />Agreement, and in the case of a conflict, the terns and conditions of this Agreement shall <br />control. <br />Prior to SANTA ANA's construction completion of the Diversion Structure and other Facilities, <br />NEWPORT BEACH shall have its respective Project Representative conduct a walls -through to <br />promptly review the improvements and provide any comments. Upon satisfaction of any and all <br />Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 Page 23 of 69 <br />23A-75 <br />