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SI: to'ta <br />0'. pWA CO) <br />SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ("SCE " ) <br />DISTRIBUTION LINE ANDIOR SERVICE EXTENSION <br />APPLICANT'S INSTALLATION OPTION AND <br />STATEMENT OF APPLICANT'S CONTRACT ANTICIPATED COSTS <br />Applicant : CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Product Number : <br />1124579 <br />Project Specific Location: 1414 3/4 W MCFAI)DEN AVE CA 92704 <br />1. INSTALLATION OPTIONS <br />N-2016-193 <br />Applicant understands that in accordance with SCE's Rule 15 and/or Rule 16, Applicant can elect to have <br />either SCE install the Distribution Line and/or Service Extension or a Qualified Contractor/Subcontractor <br />install the Distribution Line and/or Service Extension. <br />2. SCE'S ESTIMATED REFUNDABLE COST INFORMATION <br />SCE's estimated refundable costs are based on the work that SCE would normally perform that can be <br />performed by a Qualified Contractor/Subcontractor under the provisions of the Applicant Installation Option, <br />Rule 15, Section G, and in accordance with SCE's Terms mid Conditions Agreement for Installation of <br />Distribution. Line Extension by Applicant (Form 14-188). <br />SCF,'s estimated refundable costs:* $1,713.08 <br />If applicable, other estimated cost information may be provided below. This could include the credit amount <br />for Rule 16, street light, or other associated installation work. <br />SCE Rule 16 credit amount : * <br />SCE street light credit amount:* <br />SCE associated work credit amount:* <br />3. APPLICANT SELECTION <br />$703.23 <br />$0.00 <br />Applicant understands the installation options under Section I above, and hereby elects the following <br />Installattiio�n Option by initialing the appropriate selection below: <br />✓ Installation by SCE <br />Installation by Qualified Contractor/Subcontractor <br />Under installation by Qualified Contractor/Subcontractor, Applicant shall secure project specific bid <br />information from Qualified Contractors/Subcontractors for the installation of the Distribution Line and/or <br />Service extension. Applicant shall contribute or advance before the start of construction any refundable or <br />non-refundable amounts as specified in Rules 15 and 16. <br />*Please refer to the specific contract, Appendix A, for detailed financial information. <br />Form 14.754, New 7/04 <br />