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Data Ticket, Inc. City of Santa Ana <br />Newport Beach, CA Request for Proposals for Automated <br />O: 949 752 -6937; F: 949 752 -6033 Parking Citation and Processing Services <br />citation, nature of the violation, project On which the citaticrr was issued, owner of project, and the amount <br />of penalty paid, if any. Slats the case number and date of any decision. <br />'19. During the last five years, has there, been more than Otis occasion in which the General contractor or Its <br />as$061110 have bean panelized or required to pay back wages for failure to comply with the federal <br />Davis -Bacen prevailing wigs raquiremems? 17 Yes M No <br />If'yes" On a separate pages, describe the violator, nature of each violation, name of the project, date of <br />Its completion, the pubtle agency for which it was constructed, the number of employees who were <br />initially underpaid and the anaountof back wages and penalties that were assessed. <br />City of Santo Gann — Automated Parking Citation and Preomsing 80Nlagrs JR7'P 1F -110} <br />Page 31 <br />Proprietary and Confidential to Data Ticket, Inc. 33 1 P a g e <br />25G -57 <br />