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_.CITY OF SANTA ANA _..... .. <br />RFP NO.: 16-125 <br />OC STREETCAR DESIGN REVIEW SUPPORT <br />Article 18. Recycled products <br />Consultant shall comply with all the requirements of section 6002 of the resource conservation and <br />recovery act (rcra), as amended (42 u.s.c. 6962), including but not limited to the regulatory provisions of 40 cfr <br />part 247, and executive order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in subpart b of 40 <br />oft part 247. Consultant agrees to include this requirement in all of its subcontracts, <br />The following additional provisions apply to all purchases over $25,000 <br />Article 19. Debarment & suspension: <br />Certification regarding debarment, suspension and other responsibility matters - primary participant <br />and lower -tier participants <br />Unless otherwise permitted by law, any person or firm that is debarred, suspended, or voluntarily <br />excluded, as defined in the federal transit administration (fta) circular 2015.1, dated april 28, 1989, may not take <br />part in any federally funded transaction, either as a participant or a principal, during the period of debarment, <br />suspension, or voluntary exclusion. Accordingly, the authority, acting on behalf of the district, may not enter <br />into any transaction with such debarred, suspended, or voluntarily excluded persons or firms during such period. <br />A certification process has been established by 49 cfr part 29, as a means to ensure that debarred <br />suspended or voluntarily excluded persons or firms do not participate in federally assisted projects. The <br />inability to provide the required certification will not necessarily result in denial of participation in a covered <br />transaction. A person or firm that is unable to provide a positive certification as required by this solicitation <br />must submit a complete explanation attached to the certification. Fta will consider the certification and any <br />accompanying explanation in determining whether or not to provide assistance for the project. Failure to <br />furnish a certification or an explanation may disqualify that person or firm from participating in the project, <br />