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employer and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. <br />20, BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS <br />Unless exempted by the City, Consultant will conduct a background check on each candidate (after the <br />candidate's conditional acceptance by the City and prior to the start of any engagement with the City), <br />Contract service personnel and consultants on assignment with or in support of the Santa Ana Police <br />Department ("SAPD") will be required to pass an SAPD background investigation prior to beginning work <br />with SAPD, Full name, address, phone number, birth date, Social Seourity number and driver's license <br />number must bo furnished to the City upon regaQst. An application for SAPD background ixiust be <br />completed by each prospective contract service person who will be providing on-site services to SAPD. <br />21. OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS <br />The City will pay only straight tirre (i.e. no increase in effective Dourly billing rate) for all hours worked <br />under this Agreement. Overtime will be considered as any time in excess of the City's scheduled work <br />week. The City will pay only for hours in excess of a normal schedule when authorized in advance by the <br />City's Inf6ii-nation Technology Director or a designated manager and then only at a straight time rate, The <br />City does not provide compensation for temporary technology contract service personnel or technology <br />consultants for holidays unless they are required to work on a City holiday and their work time has been <br />prior approved by the City's Information Technology Director or a designated manager and then only at a <br />straight time rate. <br />22. JURISDICTION - VENUE <br />This Agreement has beon exeouted and delivered in the State of California and the validity, <br />interpretation, performance;, and enforcement of any of the clauses of this Agreement shall be determined <br />and governed by the laws of the State of California. Both parties fi.rrther agree that Orange County, <br />California, shall be the venue for any action orproceeding that maybe brought or arise Out of, in connection <br />with or by reason of this Agreement. <br />23. Ic ROFESSifONAL LICENSES <br />Consultant shall, throughout the terra of this Agreement, maintain all necessary licenses, permits, <br />approvals, waivers, and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services hereuwder and required by <br />the laws and regulations of the United States, the State of California, the City of Santa Ana and all other <br />governmental agencies, Consultant shall notify the City immediately and .in writing of its inability to obtain <br />or maintain such pert -nits, licenses, approvals, waivers, mid exemptions. Said inability shall be cause for <br />termination of this Agreement. <br />24, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />a. Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signahrre herein below has the power, <br />authority and right to bind their respective parties to each of ffite tem-rs of this Agreement, <br />aad shall indemnify City fully, including reasonable costs and attorney's fees, for any <br />injuries or damages to City in the event that such, authority or power is not, in fact, held by <br />the signatory or is withdrawn, <br />8 <br />