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charging for collection, or other tangible consideration for collecting, Processing or transporting <br />such segregated Recyclable Solid Wastes, A poison who simply receives a discount of, or <br />reduction in, the collection surd disposal service rates of its unsegregated Solid Waste shall not be <br />deemed to be selling or donating Recyclable Solid Wastes for purposes of this exception, <br />(d) This Agreement shall not prohibit a gardener, tree trimmer or person engaged, in <br />landscape rnaintenanco who has a business license to operate in the CITY from collecting yard <br />waste or other organic Solid. Wastes which it generates as an incidental portion of providing its <br />licensed services, Arty yard waste or other organic Solid Waste collected pursuant to the exception <br />provided by this subsection must be transported by the gardener, tree trimmer or person to a <br />composting facility permitted by the California Integrated Waste Management Board in <br />accordance with all laws and regulations. <br />(e) This Agreement shall not prohibit collectors of Solid Waste originating outside the <br />CITY from hauling such Solid Waste over CITY streets, provided such collectors comply with <br />any governing laws or ordinances. <br />(f) CONTRACTOR's right to collect and /or dispose of Solid Waste shall not be <br />exclusive in the event of a failure to collect under Section 34 of this Agreement during which <br />CONTRACTOR fails to maintain substantially complete regular collection services pursuant to <br />this Agreement and the oolleotion schedules then in effect, for any reason, including a strike by <br />CONTRACTOR's employees or similar labor dispute. The CITY may provide for collection <br />and /or disposal by persons other than CONTRACTOR during such periods and may permit the <br />public to obtain collection and /or disposal services from persons other than CONTRACTOR <br />during such periods, including CONTRACTOR's Bin and/or Roll-Oft Service Customers. <br />(g) CONTRACTOR shalt not have the exclusive right to collect and dispose of Solid <br />Waste by providing Bin and /or Roll -Off Service if the conditions stated in Section 2$(c) are <br />applicable. <br />10. SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE FEM <br />(a) CONTRACTOR shall pay to the CITY, as a franchise fee, twenty -six and fifteen- <br />hundredths percent (26,15 %) of the Gross Receipts received by CONTRACTOR for each <br />applicable period. This amount may be increased by resolution of the City Council and, whenever <br />said franchise fee is increased by resolution of tho City Council, CONTRACTOR shall be <br />permitted, to pass through to its , Bin Service Customers and Roll -Off Service Customors one <br />hundred ('100° /n) percent of the amount of such increase. Payments to the CITY of said franchise <br />fee shall be made to the CITY on a monthly basis and'shall be due and payable on or before the <br />last calendar day of the following month. Accompanying each payment will be a listing of the <br />Gross Receipts for that corresponding ruonth. CONTRACTOR shall, whenever requested to do <br />so, make available suoh records to the Executive Director at any reasonable time. <br />(b) Failure of CONTRACTOR to make any of the payments provided for in section (a) <br />above on or before the crates due will result in a penalty of ten. (10 %) percent per mouth to <br />CONTRACTOR. <br />65A -19 <br />