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(d) CONTRACTOR shall provide on- request bulky item collection for commercial and <br />residential bin service customers,, as set forth in subsection 21. (a), above, Each such request for <br />Residential /Commercial bulky item pickup shall cost forty-two dollars and eighty cents ($42.80) <br />per collection and shall be billed to the residential /commercial bin service customer requesting the <br />additional collection by CONTRACTOR. <br />22. CURBSIDE SERVICE PAYMENTS: <br />(a) The CONTRACTOR shall establish rates for its provision of curbside services <br />pursuant to this Agreement, Such rates shall in no case exceed those set forth on Exhibit "C" <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, The City shall collect on behalf of the <br />CONTRACTOR the rates established by the CONTRACTOR for said services. Rates collected <br />and paid to the CONTRACTOR shall be based on the total number of Curbside Service Units <br />billed by the CITY for curbside service during that month. CITY shall make billing records <br />available to CONTRACTOR upon reasonable notice for the purpose of auditing such records, <br />(b) Remittance to the CONTRACTOR of payments collected by the CITY for curbside <br />service shall on a monthly basis, <br />(c) Payments to be made to the CONTRACTOR. shall be reduced each month by an <br />amount equal to the total monthly payment on the C.O.P.s, A monthly payment schedule of the <br />maximum amount of monthly payments on the C.O.P.s will be attached as Exhibit "D" once they <br />are issued. The payments to be made to CONTRACTOR shall not be reduced to the extent of any <br />credits against installment payments received by the CITY pursuant to Section 4, 01 of the ITC. <br />23. RESIDENTIAL BIN SERVICE RATES: <br />(a) The CONTRACTOR shall receive compensation for supplying Bin Service to <br />residential bin users by direct billing of the Customers receiving such service bymeans of separate <br />agreements entered into between the CONTRACTOR and each Residential Bin Service Customer, <br />A copy of every such agreement shall be made available to the Executive Director by <br />CONTRACTOR. <br />(b) Rates for Residential Bin Service, including Gate Fees, Hauling Charges, <br />Processing Charges and any Recycling and 'Yard Waste Diversion, shall be established by the <br />CONTRACTOR and shall not exceed those set forth on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by reference. CONTRACTOR shall make records containing Residential Bin <br />Service available to the Executive Director at any reasonable time. <br />24. COi ME, RCIALANDUSTRIAL BIN SERVICE RATES: <br />(a) The CONTRACTOR shall receive compensation for supplying Bin Service to <br />commercial /industrial bin users by direct billing of the Customers receivhig such service by rmm�s <br />of separate agreements entered into between the CONTRACTOR and each such Bill Service <br />Customer. A copy of every such agreement shall be made available to the Executive Director by <br />CONTRACTOR, <br />17 <br />65A -28 <br />