Laserfiche WebLink
2. TERM <br />The initial term of this Agreement shall be ten (10) years, with automatic <br />renewal terms of three (8) years each, provided, however, that either Party may <br />terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other Party ("Termination Notice"). <br />During the initial ten (10) year term the Termination Notice must be given not more <br />than two (2) years and not less than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the <br />expiration of the initial term. During each subsequent renewal term the Termination <br />Notice must be given not less than two (2) years prior to the expiration of any <br />succeeding term. Upon the issuance of a Termination Notice by either Party, only <br />Licensee's rights to install Future Attachments as described in this Agreement shall <br />terminate, but Licensee's rights under this Agreement with regard to then -installed <br />Attachments and Upgraded Attachments shall not terminate. <br />3. ATTACHMENTS <br />The installed Attachments are listed in Exhibit A hereto. During the term <br />hereof, Licensee shall have the right (i) to upgrade Attachments to new technology <br />that serves the same purpose as the Attachments listed on Exhibit A ("Upgraded <br />Attachments"), and (ii) to install new Attachments that are not listed in Exhibit A <br />("Future Attachments"), so long as such Upgraded Attachments and Future <br />Attachments serve the same purpose as the Attachments listed on Exhibit A, are <br />owned exclusively by Licensee and used exclusively for Licensee's benefit and for no <br />third party, and do not interfere in any manner with any then -existing Licensor <br />equipment. All installations of Upgraded Attachments and Future Attachments shall <br />be performed in in a good and workmanlike manner. <br />4. LICENSEE'S ATTACHMENT RIGHTS <br />Licensee shall have a no -fee license to use the Attachment for its own wireless <br />communications as described herein, and to maintain, remove, repair or replace the <br />Attachments, as described herein (collectively, the "Attachment Rights"). All costs and <br />expenses incurred by Licensee as a result of Licensee's exercise of its Attachment rights <br />hereunder shall be the sole responsibility of Licensee. <br />5. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ON LICENSE RIGHTS <br />In addition to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensee's <br />exercise of its Attachment Rights shall be subject to the following conditions and <br />restrictions: <br />a. Licensee shall operate its Attachment exclusively for its own and no third <br />party's wireless communication equipment. <br />b. Licensee shall be solely responsible for separately obtaining any electric <br />utility or other services required for operation of its Attachment, if secondary power <br />from the streetlight is inaccessible. <br />C. Licensor shall not be required to modify the Light Pole to accommodate <br />use by the Licensee. <br />