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Capacity to Fife Petitions for ilfultiple Health and Safety Receiverships <br />Jones & Mayer has unparalleled experience in managing high volume receivership <br />litigation and workloads, including a systemized process and assignment of duties to streamline <br />and manage various aspects of petition preparation, filing and compliance with all statutory and <br />procedural requirements unique to receivership litigation. Currently, we manage more active <br />receiverships and receivership litigation than any other firm in the State. Our systems ensure that <br />each case is managed effectively to coordinate appearances, client updates, and tithing of filing <br />of attorney fee motions and cost recovery, and receiver and contractor compliance. We require <br />our appointed receivers to provide us with monthly updates to ensure each project is moving <br />appropriately. Receivership Administrators are assigned to each project and are responsible for <br />assisting the legal team on the day to day monitoring of each project. <br />Experience Aloniforing Other Types of Receivership Services, Lien Acquisition Nranagernent, <br />and Foreclosures <br />Jones & Mayer has extensive experience monitoring and coordinating many types of <br />receivership services both as counsel to public agencies as well as in the capacity of the court <br />appointed receiver. Specific examples include: litigating/supervising and monitoring <br />receiverships in various stages of bankruptcy (including extensive experience obtaining relief <br />from automatic stays under federal law for local enforcement agency actions); supervising and <br />coordinating complex lien clearing, stripping and negotiations/settlements with federal and state <br />taxing authorities over lien and title issues during receiverships; supervising and coordinating <br />receivership actions over properties in varying states of foreclosure actions. <br />Experience 11anaging Data and Reporting Requirements far Public or Private Agencies <br />Jones & Mayer routinely manages data and reporting requirements for our respective <br />clients including, but not limited to, client conflict screenings, risk management reports and <br />required litigation assessments, city counciYboard of supervisor reports, closed session reports <br />and recommendations, annual audit disclosures and reports, required oaths as well as all required <br />financial reporting requirements. <br />Demonstrated Readiness to Proceed <br />Jones & Mayer has all of the systems, personnel and experience to proceed immediately <br />with any number of projects for the City of Santa Ana. In addition to the proposed team, we are <br />committed to assigning any number of additional personnel deemed necessary to implement and <br />effectively manage those projects for the City. We have substantial experience implementing <br />large scale receivership programs for cities across the State. We are confident in our <br />representation that our firm would provide the ultimate in demonstrated and continued readiness <br />to proceed for the City of Santa Ana. <br />5: LAWSUITS AGAINST GOVERNMENT ENTITIES <br />While we seldom litigate against public entities, there have been times when we are <br />called upon to do so as part of our representation of another public entity. For example, we have <br />been retained by public entitles or by individual elected offlcials on occasion to represent <br />officials of those entities and then have become involved in litigation with a public entity who is <br />in a dispute with the official, usually involving their respective rights, responsibilities or <br />obligations. These cases include: Sparks v. Counry of Kern Board of Supervisors, Kern County <br />Superior Court Case No. S -1500 -CV -259869 -NFT; rblargarel 11ims, Fresno County Sheri v. <br />County of Fresno Board of Supervisors; Fresno County Superior Court Case No. <br />10CECO00528; CounryofSan ,loaquin v. Jones, et al., Sacramento Superior Court Case Number <br />Case No. 06AS00744. <br />25H-20 <br />