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b. All landscape areas shall have a fully automatic irrigation <br />system (including spray or drip) as required by the City of <br />Santa Landscape Water Conservation Ordinance. <br />(2) All meters shall be appropriately screened from public view with <br />trellis work and vines or hedge -type shrub, or be incorporated into <br />the residential structure. <br />(3) The building wall along the easterly property line shall be planted <br />with vines. <br />(4) Maintenance: All plant material shall be maintained per Section <br />41-609 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />(f) Architectural and Design Features. <br />(1) Exterior materials. Exterior materials and finishes for the <br />project shall comply with the approved materials board <br />submitted for the project during building plan check. All <br />trash enclosures and similar ancillary structures shall match <br />the texture, material and color of the building. <br />(2) Hardscave materials. Enhanced paving materials shall be <br />installed at the driveway entrance and the pedestrian <br />walkway along the main driveway. The actual paving <br />materials shall be approved by the Planning Division. <br />(3) Lighting standards/fixtures. The light fixtures are to <br />integrate design elements of the building and landscape <br />architecture. Lighting is to be designed to confine the direct <br />rays of the artificial lighting within the boundaries of the <br />development. Specifications of light standards/fixtures and <br />photometrics plan shall be submitted to Planning Division <br />for approval. <br />(g) Mechanical Equipment, Appurtenances, and Conduits <br />All mechanical equipment and all supporting appurtenances and conduits shall <br />be screened from view within designated rooms, inside walls, behind parapets, <br />or through a combination of landscape and hardscape materials. <br />(h) Trash Enclosures <br />Trash bins shall be stored in designated trash enclosures. There shall be an <br />onsite designated trash staging areas only be used on service days and the <br />staging area and bins shall not disrupt vehicular use of the driveway. The <br />minimum requirements needed to service the location shall be clearly indicated <br />on the plans and subject to the approval of the Public Works Agency. <br />AQUA SUPPORTIVE HOUSING <br />317 EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET <br />SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT NO. 91 <br />EXHIBIT 11 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />75D-33 <br />