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are General Commercial (GC), which allows business and <br />professional offices; retail and service establishments; recreational, <br />cultural, and entertainment uses and vocational schools with a floor <br />area ratio of 0.5 to 1.0 and Medium Density Residential (MR -15) Low <br />Density Residential (LR -7), which allows for residential uses at <br />densities of up to 15 units per acre. In order to facilitate the <br />construction of a 57 -unit supportive housing project with a floor area <br />ratio of 1.3, the land use designation needs to be changed to Urban <br />Neighborhood (UN), which allows for a mix of residential uses and <br />housing types, such as mid to low rise multiple family, townhouses, <br />single family dwellings; with some opportunities for live -work, <br />neighborhood serving retail and service, public space and use, and <br />other amenities with a floor area ratio of 0.5 to 3.0. <br />2. The proposed project will support several goals and policies of the <br />General Plan. First, the project is consistent with Housing Element <br />Goal 2, to create diversity of quality housing, affordability levels, and <br />living experiences that accommodate Santa Ana's residents and <br />workforce of all household types, income levels, and age groups to <br />foster an inclusive community. The project will provide 56 -affordable <br />rental housing units and one (1) onsite property manager's unit which <br />supports Housing Element Goal 3, increased opportunities for low <br />and moderate income individuals and families to find quality housing <br />opportunities and afford a greater choice of rental or homeownership <br />opportunities. The supportive housing project is in line with Housing <br />Element Goal 4, to provide adequate rental and ownership housing <br />opportunities and supportive services for seniors, people with <br />disabilities, families with children, and people needing emergency, <br />transitional, or supportive housing. Further, the project is consistent <br />with several Housing Element policies; Policy HE -2.3 to encourage <br />construction of rental housing for the city's residents and workforce; <br />Policy HE -3.4 to support the provision of employment training, <br />childcare services, rental assistance, youth services, and other <br />community services that enable households to attain the greatest <br />level of self-sufficiency and independence; Policy HE -4.4 to support <br />the provision of supportive services and service -enriched housing for <br />persons with special needs, such as seniors, disabled people, <br />homeless people, families, veterans and people with medical <br />conditions; Policy HE -4.6 to partner with community service <br />organizations that address the needs of homeless people, including <br />housing linked with case management, employment, physical, mental <br />health, substance abuse, and other services. <br />F. The City Council has weighed and balanced the General Plan's policies, <br />both new and old, and has determined that based upon this balancing that <br />General Plan Amendment No. 2017-01 is consistent with the purpose of <br />the general plan. <br />75D-38 <br />