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OrderNumbet OSA-4443286 <br />Page Number; 3 <br />Document(s) declaring hiodlfications thereof recorded as BOOK 17b2 PAGE 4Q4 AND BOOK 4467 <br />PAGE 433, BOTH of Official Records; <br />6, An easement for EITHER OR BOTH POLE LINES, CONDUITS and Incidental purposes in the <br />document recorded as BOOK 1750 PAGE 154 of official Records. <br />6. An easement for EITHER OR BOTH POLE LINES, CONDUITS and incidental purposes in the <br />document recorded as BOOK 1634 PAGE 516 of Ofticlal Records. <br />7. An easement for EITHER OR BOTH POLE LINES, CONDUITS and Incidental purposes in the - <br />document Recorded as BOOK 1646 PAGE 155 of Official Records. <br />8. An agreementor covenant to hold land as one parcel recorded December 05, 1985 as <br />INSTRUMENT No, 85-488047 of Official Records. <br />91 An agreement or covenant to hold land as one.. parcel recorded February 03, 1986 as <br />INSTRUMENT NO. 86-46712 of official Records, <br />10. An easement for PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES and Incidental purposes, recorded MARCH 5, 1986 <br />as INSTRUMENT NO. 86-88430 of Official Records, <br />In Favor of THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION <br />Affects: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN <br />It. The -effect of a deed elated December 01, 2011, executed by THANH NGOC NGUYEN, AS <br />TRUSTEE, OR ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, UNDER THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF TRUST <br />NAMED THANH NGOC NGUYEN FAMILY TRU5f, CREATED 6Y THANH NGOC NGUYEN, AS <br />TRUSTOR, DATED -OCTOBER 30, 2001, as Grantor, to THANH NGOC NGUYEN, as Grantee, <br />recorded MARCH 7, 2012; as INSTRUMENT No, 12-128878 of Official Records. <br />The requirement that this office he furnished with the evidence that the deed was an absolute <br />conveyance for value, and that there are no other agreements, oral or written, regarding the <br />ownership of the land described herein, <br />NOTE: Unable to verify If the above referenced "uninsured'" deed is a valid transfer. <br />12, The effect of a deed dated November 17, 2032, executed by THANH NGOC NGUYEN, AS <br />TRUSTEE, OR ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, UNDER THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF TRUST <br />NAMED THANH NGOC NGUYEN FAMILY TRUST, CREATED BY THANH NGOC NGUYEN, AS <br />TRUSTOR, DATED OCTOBER 30, 2001, as Grantor, to 12620 BROOKHURST, LLC, A CALIFORNIA <br />LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, as Grantee, recorded JANUARY 14, 2013, as INSTRUMENT NO, <br />13-2682Q of Official Records. <br />The requirement that this office be furnished with the evidence that the deed was an absolute <br />conveyance for value, and that there are no rather agreements, oral or written, regarding the <br />ownership of the land described herein. <br />NOTE: Unable to verify If the abovereferenced "uninsured" deed is valid transfer, <br />13. The effect of a deed dated November 17, 2012, executed by BAN BINH BUT, AS TRUSTEE, OR <br />ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, UNDER THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF TRUST NAMED BAN BINH <br />BUT FAMILY TRUST, CREATED BY BAN BINH BUT, AS TRUSTOR, DATED OCTOBER 30, 2001, as <br />Grantor, to 12620 BROOKHURST, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, as <br />Grantee, recorded JANUARY 14, 2013, as INSTRUMENT NO. 13-26821 of Official Records, <br />fiistAmerican TUe <br />Page 3 of 15 <br />75K-15 <br />