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ATTACHMENT <br />STATEMENT OF NST COMPENSATION <br />Assessor's Parcel: 015-194-41 <br />Property Owner: Thanh Ngoc Nguyen, as trustee or any successor trustee, under that certain <br />declaration of trust named Thanh Ngoc Nguyen Family Trust, created by Thanh <br />Ngoc Nguyen, as trustor, dated October 30, 2001, <br />Property Address: 2105-2109 South Bristol Street <br />Santa Ana, California <br />Location of Parent East side of Bristol Sheet, beginning 60-E feet south of Saint Gertrude Place, within <br />Property: the corporate limits of the City of Santa Ana. <br />Description of The property is presently improved with a commercial office building of wood <br />Parent Property: fiā€¢ame and stucco construction. The building contains 3,255 square feet; and was <br />originally constructed in 1986. Other appurtenant on-site improvements located <br />within the boundaries of the subject parcel include concrete paving, tile surfacing, <br />concrete block walls, wrought iron fencing, business sign, concrete curbing, <br />metal frame light standards, concrete auto stops, marked automobile parking <br />spaces, inground irrigation system, and ornamental landscaping. Overall <br />condition of the subject improvements is rated average -good, considering the age. <br />The development is situated on a parcel containing 11,402 square feet of land <br />area. <br />Zoning: Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan. The property has been considered and <br />appraised ander the previous zone classification of C-5 (arterial commercial) as a <br />means of avoiding project influence. <br />Topography: Effectively level topography. <br />Utilities: In place at site. <br />Highest and Best Highest and best use is defined as the reasonably probable and legal use of land, <br />Use: which is legally permissible, physically possible, and financially feasible that <br />results in the highest value. Highest and best use analysis is used in the appraisal <br />process to identify comparable properties and, where applicable, to determine <br />whether the existing improvements should be retained, renovated, or demolished. <br />The results of the highest and best use analysis are: <br />As if Vacant: Commercial development. <br />As improved: Existing use. <br />Date of Value: December 7, 2016 <br />Public Use for Bristol Street Improvement Project. <br />Property: <br />Estate to be Fee simple acquisition of entire subject property, <br />75K-22 <br />